Template Switching Reverse Transcription Oligonucleotides
Template Switching Reverse Transcription Oligonucleotides

Template Switching Reverse Transcription Oligonucleotides

Use this set of oligonucleotides for template switching cDNA synthesis and preamplification. Template Switching Oligonucleotide and Capturing Oligo (dT) are used to incorporate adaptor sequences to full-length cDNA. Preamplification primer enables PCR amplification of obtained cDNA.
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A65428Preamplification Primer
A65427Template Switching Oligo
A65429Capturing Oligo (dT) Primer
货号 A65428
价格(CNY)/ 48 reactions
Preamplification Primer
价格(CNY)/ 48 reactions
Template Switching Reverse Transcription Oligonucleotides
价格(CNY)/ 48 reactions
This set of oligonucleotides is designed for template switching reverse transcription reaction and following preamplification of obtained cDNA. Template Switching Oligonucleotide (TSO) and Capturing Oligo (dT) are used during cDNA synthesis reaction to incorporate adaptor sequences in both ends of full-length cDNA. Preamplification primer is complementary to the adaptor sequence and enables PCR amplification of obtained cDNA.

Template Switching Oligonucleotide (TSO) and Capturing Oligo (dT) Primer are designed for use in template switching reverse transcription reaction. Capturing oligonucleotide containing oligo(dT) and adapter sequences is used as a primer for selective first-strand cDNA synthesis from poly(A)-containing RNAs. When the reverse transcriptase reaches the 5ʹ end of the RNA template, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT) activity of reverse transcriptase adds 1–3 extra nucleotides to the cDNA end, enabling hybridization of the template switching oligo and ligation-free incorporation of adapter sequence to the 3ʹ end of the resulting cDNA. Both oligos are supplied as ready-to-use 20X concentrated solutions. For maximal template switching efficiency, we recommend using Template Switching Oligo and Capturing oligo (dT) Primer with Invitrogen SuperScript IV Template Switching RT Master Mix .

Adapter sequences incorporated at both ends of the cDNA may serve as primer-binding sites in the subsequent PCR amplification step, allowing global preamplification of full-length templates. For PCR, use Preamplification Primer which is complementary to TSO and Capturing Oligo (dT) adaptor sequence and is supplied as ready-to-use 100X concentrated solution.

The TSO, Capturing Oligo (dT) and Preamplification primers are also available as part of complete Invitrogen SuperScript IV Single Cell/Low Input cDNA PreAmp Kit (Cat. No. 11752048) .

• cDNA synthesis
• cDNA preamplification
• RNA-seq

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
描述Preamplification Primer
数量48 Reactions
适用于(应用)cDNA preamplification
Unit Size48 reactions
Preamplification Primer, 48 μL

Store at -25°C to -15°C.