GeneSwitch™ 哺乳动物表达试剂盒,全套试剂盒
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GeneSwitch™ 哺乳动物表达试剂盒,全套试剂盒

Switch-On Expression from the Lowest Basal LevelsThe GeneSwitch™ System for inducible mammalian expression is ideal for experiments that require the了解更多信息
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货号 K106001
又称 K1060-01
价格(CNY)/ EA 1 kit
价格(CNY)/ EA 1 kit
GeneSwitch™ 哺乳动物表达试剂盒,全套试剂盒
价格(CNY)/ EA 1 kit
Switch-On Expression from the Lowest Basal Levels
The GeneSwitch™ System for inducible mammalian expression is ideal for experiments that require the absolute lowest uninduced expression levels. The expression vector pGene/V5-His provides a minimal promoter, GAL4-E1b, consisting of the binding sites for the yeast Gal4 DNA binding protein followed by the TATA sequence from the Adenovirus E1b promoter. Without additional factors, the GAL4-E1b promoter is transcriptionally silent.

To activate transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter, the GeneSwitch™ regulatory protein is expressed from a minimal TK promoter on the pSwitch vector. The GeneSwitch™ protein has three functional domains:

• Gal4 DNA Binding Domain (Gal4-DBD) to bind the regulatory protein to the GAL4-E1b promoter
• Truncated human Progesterone Receptor Ligand Binding Domain (hPR-LBD) that undergoes a conformational change when it binds the progesterone antagonist, mifepristone
• Transcription activation domain from the NFØB transcription factor p65 (p65AD) to activate transcription from the silent GAL4-E1b promoter

In the absence of mifepristone, the conformation of the hPR-LBD region prevents the GeneSwitch™ regulatory protein from activating transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter. When mifepristone is added and binds the hPR-LBD region, the GeneSwitch™ regulatory protein assumes a conformation that permits it to stimulate transcription from the GAL4-E1b promoter (Figures 1 and 2).

Induction of the GeneSwitch™ System leads to activation of the gene of interest on the vector pGene/V5-His. In addition, four Gal4 binding sites upstream of the minimal HSV TK promoter on pSwitch can bind the pSwitch regulatory protein. Therefore, adding mifepristone up-regulates production of the regulatory protein (Figure 1). The increased levels of the GeneSwitch™ regulatory protein result in induction of the gene of interest from pGene/V5-His to levels that can approach those of viral promoters.

The GeneSwitch™ Kit offers exceptionally low uninduced and high induced expression levels in mammalian cells. The system provides the expression vector pGene/V5-His with the minimal, synthetic GAL4-E1b promoter that is transcriptionally silent until activated. The GeneSwitch™ regulatory protein binds the GAL4-E1b promoter to activate transcription upon the addition of mifepristone. In addition, the GeneSwitch™ protein upregulates its own expression, leading to amplified expression of the gene of interest from pGene/V5-His. pGene/V5-His offers several features that facilitate expression analysis and purification of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells:

• C-terminal V5 epitope tag for detection with Anti-V5 Antibodies
• C-terminal polyhistidine (6xHis) tag for rapid purification with nickel-chelating resin and detection with Anti-His(C-term) Antibodies
• The Zeocin™ resistance gene for effective selection in both mammalian cells and E. coli
促进剂E1b (GAL4-E1b)
蛋白标记His 标签 (6x)、V5 抗原决定簇标签, V5 Epitope Tag
数量1 kit
Unit SizeEA 1 kit
GeneSwitch™ 系统核心试剂盒包括各 20 µg 以下载体:pGene/V5-His(A、B 和 C)、表达对照载体 pGene/V5-His/lacZ 和 pSwitch 载体。试剂盒还包括正向和反向测序引物和 100 µg 诱导剂米非司酮。GeneSwitch™ 全套试剂盒包括含 1 g 潮霉素和 1 g Zeocin™(大量节省)的核心试剂盒。潮霉素应在 +4°C 下储存,Zeocin™ 应在 -20°C 下储存。Zeocin™ 应避光保存。妥善储存时,所有试剂均可稳定储存 6 个月。