Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
货号 | 包括 |
SK4002 | 18 x 18 in. platform |
SK4002CPKG | 18 x 18 in. platform and clamp starter kit |
SK4002MPKG | 18 x 18 in. platform and adhesive mats |
Thermo Scientific Solaris Incubated and Refrigerated Benchtop Shakers combine an ergonomic design with key feature enhancements like Peltier chillers, a sealed electronic system, programmable display, and an easy to clean platform design.
The triple eccentric drive mechanism, engineered to perform with a reduced noise level, is built with proven technology to support heavy loads, always maintaining consistent performance. The belt is maintenance-free and engineered to last the life of the shaker, and the shaker mechanism itself comes with an industry leading warranty.
Intuitive Touchscreen Display
Efficient and Reliable Operation
Compatible with GLP/GMP Environments
Improved User Experience