MC1061/P3 化学感受态大肠杆菌
MC1061/P3 化学感受态<i>大肠杆菌</i>

MC1061/P3 化学感受态大肠杆菌

MC1061/P3 Chemically Competent E. coli are used for highly efficient transformations that require the P3 episome for selection and maintenance了解更多信息
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货号 C66303
又称 C663-03
价格(CNY)/ 5 x 300 µL
价格(CNY)/ 5 x 300 µL
MC1061/P3 化学感受态大肠杆菌
价格(CNY)/ 5 x 300 µL

MC1061/P3 Chemically Competent E. coli are used for highly efficient transformations that require the P3 episome for selection and maintenance of vectors encoding the tyrosine tRNA suppressor (synthetic supF gene, such as pCDM8, pcDNA1.1, or any other supF-containing vector).

MC1061 E. coli cells were used by Hanahan and coworkers to engineer the DH10B strain. Among the replaced genes by adding mutations were recA1 (inhibiting the homologous recombination system), endA1, and lacZΔM15. Thus, this strain with its intact homologous recombination system is used in applications where recombination is needed, such as in genetically engineering E. coli by recombination or plasmid-phage recombination.

MC1061/P3 Chemically Competent E. coli offer:
• Transformation efficiencies of >1 x 108 cfu/μg
• P3 plasmid for selection of supF-containing plasmids
hsdR for efficient transformation of unmethylated DNA from PCR amplifications

P3 plasmid
The P3 plasmid is a low-copy-number, 60 kb plasmid that carries kanamycin, tetracycline, and ampicillin resistance markers. The kanamycin gene is fully active and used to select for cells carrying P3. The tetracycline and ampicillin genes carry amber mutations, which render the genes inactive during normal growth and replication of the bacteria. Upon transformation of a vector carrying the suppressor F gene, the amber mutations in the tetracycline and ampicillin genes on the P3 plasmid are suppressed, and the E. coli are resistant to these antibiotics.

Note: The spontaneous reversion rate for the amber mutation in the ampicillin marker is 5%, while the reversion rate for the amber mutation in the tetracycline marker is 1%.To minimizing the reversion rates, use tetracycline and ampicillin together for selection of E. coli (P3) cells transformed with the SupF plasmid.

FhsdR(rK–, mK+) araD139 Δ(araABC-leu)7679 galU galK ΔlacX74 rpsL(StrR) thi mcrB / P3: KanR AmpR (am) TetR (am)

Find the strain and format that fits your needs
We offer DH strains in chemically competent and electrocompetent cell formats to meet your specific needs.
The TOP10/P3 strain could be used where recombination is not needed.
Strains are available in several MultiShot formats for high throughput applications.
Explore bacterial growth media formats.

是否含 F' 附加体缺乏 F’附加体
是否可克隆甲基化 DNA
转化效率级别中等效率 (10^8-10^9 cfu⁄µg)
耐抗生素细菌Yes (Streptomycin, Kanamycin, Ampicillin, Tetracycline)
克隆不稳定 DNA不适合克隆不稳定DNA
制备无甲基化 DNA不适合制备无甲基化DNA
运输条件Dry Ice
T1 噬菌体 - 抗性 (tonA)
数量5 x 300 μL
Unit Size5 x 300 µL
• MC1021/P3 Chemically Competent E. coli (5 x 300 μL)
Store Competent Cells at –80°C.

• pUC19 DNA (1 x 50 μL)
Store pUC19 DNA at –20°C.

• S.O.C. Medium (15 ml)
Store S.O.C. Medium at 4°C or room temperature.