Saving Custom Branched DNAs to My Custom Products & Projects
There was an error saving your Custom Branched DNAs.
Please try again or contact customer service
for assistance.
Bulk Upload
Upload up to 200 target sequences at one time, using the
Excel spreadsheet template, below. Enter names and
detail into the template, save as an XLS, XLSX, CSV, or TXT
file, and upload when complete.
below to download the Excel template to your local computer
* Sequences should be less than 5000 bases and must consist of A, G, C and T only.
your saved sequence file here
Selected Filename:
select your upload file
the options below to apply to your imported sequences.
Chemistry *
Target *
Scale *
Detection Label *
Delete Confirmation
Are you sure you would like to delete this Custom Branched DNA?
Delete Confirmation
Are you sure you would like to delete all Custom Branched DNAs?
Adding Custom Branched DNAs to Cart
There was an error saving your designs or adding to cart.
Please try again or contact customer service
for assistance.
Custom Branched DNA Probe Set Tool
Order Custom Branched DNA Probe Sets for PrimeFlow, QuantiGene Singleplex, and ViewRNA Cell and Tissue assays using the tool below if your target of interest is not found in our web catalog.
Validation Errors:
You must fix any errors below before saving or adding to
CNY 5,154.00
Host server : magellan-oligos-6d86cf5454-q4d88:80/
git-commit: b18b7b8da6224f5f6ebad9c817c102c69376ee2a
git-branch: origin/release/order_catalog_changes