Product References
Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis.
Hofbauer P,Jahnel SM,Papai N,Giesshammer M,Deyett A,Schmidt C,Penc M,Tavernini K,Grdseloff N,Meledeth C,Ginistrelli LC,Ctortecka C,Šalic Š,Novatchkova M,Mendjan S
Thu Jun 10 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Inhibition of aquaporin-1 prevents myocardial remodeling by blocking the transmembrane transport of hydrogen peroxide.
Science translational medicine
Montiel V,Bella R,Michel LYM,Esfahani H,De Mulder D,Robinson EL,Deglasse JP,Tiburcy M,Chow PH,Jonas JC,Gilon P,Steinhorn B,Michel T,Beauloye C,Bertrand L,Farah C,Dei Zotti F,Debaix H,Bouzin C,Brusa D,Horman S,Vanoverschelde JL,Bergmann O,Gilis D,Rooman M,Ghigo A,Geninatti-Crich S,Yool A,Zimmermann WH,Roderick HL,Devuyst O,Balligand JL
AF-100-20 was used in Cell Culture to investigate regulators of oxidant-mediated cardiac hypertrophy.
Wed Oct 07 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Generation of Engineered Human Myocardium in a Multi-well Format.
STAR protocols
Tiburcy M,Meyer T,Liaw NY,Zimmermann WH
Fri Jun 19 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Human iPSC-derived mature microglia retain their identity and functionally integrate in the chimeric mouse brain.
Nature communications
Xu R,Li X,Boreland AJ,Posyton A,Kwan K,Hart RP,Jiang P
Fri Mar 27 00:00:00 UTC 2020
The histone lysine methyltransferase SETD8 regulates angiogenesis through HES-1 in human umbilical vein endothelial cells.
Scientific reports
Choi DK,Kim YK,Park SW,Lee H,Lee S,Kim SA,Kim SJ,Lee J,Kim W,Min SH,Yu JH
Tue Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Functionalization of Brain Region-specific Spheroids with Isogenic Microglia-like Cells.
Scientific reports
Song L,Yuan X,Jones Z,Vied C,Miao Y,Marzano M,Hua T,Sang QA,Guan J,Ma T,Zhou Y,Li Y
Tue Jul 30 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Endothelial tip cells in vitro are less glycolytic and have a more flexible response to metabolic stress than non-tip cells.
Scientific reports
Yetkin-Arik B,Vogels IMC,Neyazi N,van Duinen V,Houtkooper RH,van Noorden CJF,Klaassen I,Schlingemann RO
Thu Jul 18 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Long-acting protein drugs for the treatment of ocular diseases.
Nature communications
Ghosh JG,Nguyen AA,Bigelow CE,Poor S,Qiu Y,Rangaswamy N,Ornberg R,Jackson B,Mak H,Ezell T,Kenanova V,de la Cruz E,Carrion A,Etemad-Gilbertson B,Caro RG,Zhu K,George V,Bai J,Sharma-Nahar R,Shen S,Wang Y,Subramanian KK,Fassbender E,Maker M,Hanks S,Vrouvlianis J,Leehy B,Long D,Prentiss M,Kansara V,Jaffee B,Dryja TP,Roguska M
AF-100-20 was used in In vivo experiments to demonstrate a method to extend the intravitreal half-life of protein drugs as an alternative to either encapsulation or chemical modifications with polymers which has a potential to reduce the dosing frequency associated with retinal disease treatments.
Thu Mar 23 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Impact of Sulfatase-2 on cancer progression and prognosis in patients with renal cell carcinoma.
Cancer science
Kumagai S,Ishibashi K,Kataoka M,Oguro T,Kiko Y,Yanagida T,Aikawa K,Kojima Y
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Rho/MRTF-A-Induced Integrin Expression Regulates Angiogenesis in Differentiated Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells.
Stem cells international
Zhang R,Wang N,Zhang M,Zhang LN,Guo ZX,Luo XG,Zhou H,He HP,Zhang TC
AF-100-20 was used in Cell Culture to study the role of Rho/MRTF-A in angiogenesis by mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and the effect of the Rho/MRTF-A pathway on the expression of integrins α1β1 and α5β1, which are known to mediate physiological and pathological angiogenesis.
Thu May 07 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Role of SOX17 in hematopoietic development from human embryonic stem cells.
Nakajima-Takagi Y,Osawa M,Oshima M,Takagi H,Miyagi S,Endoh M,Endo TA,Takayama N,Eto K,Toyoda T,Koseki H,Nakauchi H,Iwama A
Thu Jan 17 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Matrix metalloproteinase-1-mediated up-regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor-2 in endothelial cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Mazor R,Alsaigh T,Shaked H,Altshuler AE,Pocock ES,Kistler EB,Karin M,Schmid-Schönbein GW
Fri Jan 04 00:00:00 UTC 2013
APELIN promotes hematopoiesis from human embryonic stem cells.
Yu QC,Hirst CE,Costa M,Ng ES,Schiesser JV,Gertow K,Stanley EG,Elefanty AG
Thu Jun 28 00:00:00 UTC 2012
ROCK suppression promotes differentiation and expansion of endothelial cells from embryonic stem cell-derived Flk1(+) mesodermal precursor cells.
Joo HJ,Choi DK,Lim JS,Park JS,Lee SH,Song S,Shin JH,Lim DS,Kim I,Hwang KC,Koh GY
Thu Sep 27 00:00:00 UTC 2012
p120-catenin binding masks an endocytic signal conserved in classical cadherins.
The Journal of cell biology
Nanes BA,Chiasson-MacKenzie C,Lowery AM,Ishiyama N,Faundez V,Ikura M,Vincent PA,Kowalczyk AP
Mon Oct 15 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Cross-presentation of tumour antigens by human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived CD141(+)XCR1+ dendritic cells.
Gene therapy
Silk KM,Silk JD,Ichiryu N,Davies TJ,Nolan KF,Leishman AJ,Carpenter L,Watt SM,Cerundolo V,Fairchild PJ
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Pattern of expression of vascular endothelial growth factor and its receptors in the ovine choroid plexus during long and short photoperiods.
Cell and tissue research
Szczepkowska A,Wąsowska B,Gilun PD,Lagaraine C,Robert V,Dufourny L,Thiéry JC,Skipor J
Mon Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2012
The molecular balance between receptor tyrosine kinases Tie1 and Tie2 is dynamically controlled by VEGF and TNFα and regulates angiopoietin signalling.
PloS one
Singh H,Hansen TM,Patel N,Brindle NP
Mon May 14 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Dental pulp stem cells differentiation reveals new insights in Oct4A dynamics.
PloS one
Ferro F,Spelat R,D'Aurizio F,Puppato E,Pandolfi M,Beltrami AP,Cesselli D,Falini G,Beltrami CA,Curcio F
Wed Nov 28 00:00:00 UTC 2012
A novel angiogenesis inhibitor impairs lovo cell survival via targeting against human VEGFR and its signaling pathway of phosphorylation.
Cell death & disease
Zhang YM,Dai BL,Zheng L,Zhan YZ,Zhang J,Smith WW,Wang XL,Chen YN,He LC
Thu Oct 11 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Extract of Pleurotus pulmonarius suppresses liver cancer development and progression through inhibition of VEGF-induced PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.
PloS one
Xu W,Huang JJ,Cheung PC
Fri Aug 03 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Leukocyte inflammatory responses provoked by pneumococcal sialidase.
Chang YC,Uchiyama S,Varki A,Nizet V
Thu Apr 19 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Reciprocal regulation of syndecan-2 and Notch signaling in vascular smooth muscle cells.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Zhao N,Liu H,Lilly B
Fri May 11 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Transgenesis-mediated reproductive dysfunction and tumorigenesis: effects of immunological neutralization.
PloS one
Sachdeva R,Bhardwaj N,Huhtaniemi I,Aggrawal U,Jain SK,Zaidi R,Singh O,Pal R
Tue May 28 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Engineering of in vitro 3D capillary beds by self-directed angiogenic sprouting.
PloS one
Chan JM,Zervantonakis IK,Rimchala T,Polacheck WJ,Whisler J,Kamm RD
Tue Jun 11 00:00:00 UTC 2013
NKX2-5(eGFP/w) hESCs for isolation of human cardiac progenitors and cardiomyocytes.
Nature methods
Elliott DA,Braam SR,Koutsis K,Ng ES,Jenny R,Lagerqvist EL,Biben C,Hatzistavrou T,Hirst CE,Yu QC,Skelton RJ,Ward-van Oostwaard D,Lim SM,Khammy O,Li X,Hawes SM,Davis RP,Goulburn AL,Passier R,Prall OW,Haynes JM,Pouton CW,Kaye DM,Mummery CL,Elefanty AG,Stanley EG
Sun Oct 23 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Endothelial progenitor cell-dependent angiogenesis requires localization of the full-length form of uPAR in caveolae.
Margheri F,Chillà A,Laurenzana A,Serratì S,Mazzanti B,Saccardi R,Santosuosso M,Danza G,Sturli N,Rosati F,Magnelli L,Papucci L,Calorini L,Bianchini F,Del Rosso M,Fibbi G
Thu Sep 29 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Dissociation of VE-PTP from VE-cadherin is required for leukocyte extravasation and for VEGF-induced vascular permeability in vivo.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Broermann A,Winderlich M,Block H,Frye M,Rossaint J,Zarbock A,Cagna G,Linnepe R,Schulte D,Nottebaum AF,Vestweber D
Mon Nov 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Supramolecular nanostructures that mimic VEGF as a strategy for ischemic tissue repair.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Webber MJ,Tongers J,Newcomb CJ,Marquardt KT,Bauersachs J,Losordo DW,Stupp SI
Tue Aug 16 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Supramolecular nanostructures that mimic VEGF as a strategy for ischemic tissue repair.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Webber MJ,Tongers J,Newcomb CJ,Marquardt KT,Bauersachs J,Losordo DW,Stupp SI
Tue Aug 16 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Debrided skin as a source of autologous stem cells for wound repair.
Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio)
Natesan S,Wrice NL,Baer DG,Christy RJ
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Entamoeba lysyl-tRNA synthetase contains a cytokine-like domain with chemokine activity towards human endothelial cells.
PLoS neglected tropical diseases
Castro de Moura M,Miro F,Han JM,Kim S,Celada A,Ribas de Pouplana L
Tue Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Efficacious and safe tissue-selective controlled gene therapy approaches for the cornea.
PloS one
Mohan RR,Sinha S,Tandon A,Gupta R,Tovey JC,Sharma A
Tue Apr 12 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Targeted decorin gene therapy delivered with adeno-associated virus effectively retards corneal neovascularization in vivo.
PloS one
Mohan RR,Tovey JC,Sharma A,Schultz GS,Cowden JW,Tandon A
Tue Feb 28 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Efficient derivation of human neuronal progenitors and neurons from pluripotent human embryonic stem cells with small molecule induction.
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
Parsons XH,Teng YD,Parsons JF,Snyder EY,Smotrich DB,Moore DA
Fri Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2011
Direct sensing of endothelial oxidants by vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 and c-Src.
PloS one
Lee M,Choy WC,Abid MR
Thu May 03 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Osteoblasts are a major source of inflammatory cytokines in the tumor microenvironment of bone metastatic breast cancer.
Journal of cellular biochemistry
Bussard KM,Venzon DJ,Mastro AM
Wed Dec 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010