Product References
Myelination- and migration-associated genes are downregulated after phagocytosis in cultured oligodendrocyte precursor cells.
Journal of neurochemistry
Hamanaka G,Hernández IC,Takase H,Ishikawa H,Benboujja F,Kimura S,Fukuda N,Guo S,Lok J,Lo EH,Arai K
450-50 was used in In vitro experiments to show that cultured OPCs phagocytosed myelin-debris-rich lysates prepared from rat corpus callosum, without progressing to cell death.
Wed Nov 01 00:00:00 UTC 2023
ALS-associated KIF5A mutations abolish autoinhibition resulting in a toxic gain of function.
Cell reports
Baron DM,Fenton AR,Saez-Atienzar S,Giampetruzzi A,Sreeram A,Keagle PJ,Doocy VR,Smith NJ,Danielson EW,Andresano M,McCormack MC,Garcia J,Bercier V,Van Den Bosch L,Brent JR,Fallini C,Traynor BJ,Holzbaur ELF,Landers JE
450-50 was used in Cell Culture to support the hypothesis that causative ALS mutations result in a toxic gain of function in the intracellular motor KIF5A that disrupts intracellular trafficking and neuronal homeostasis.
Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 UTC 2022
BNIP3L-mediated mitophagy is required for mitochondrial remodeling during the differentiation of optic nerve oligodendrocytes.
Yazdankhah M,Ghosh S,Shang P,Stepicheva N,Hose S,Liu H,Chamling X,Tian S,Sullivan MLG,Calderon MJ,Fitting CS,Weiss J,Jayagopal A,Handa JT,Sahel JA,Zigler JS,Kinchington PR,Zack DJ,Sinha D
450-50 was used in Sample Preparation (FC/FACS) to investigate mechanisms of oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation to identify treatment options.
Fri Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Impairment of the neurotrophic signaling hub B-Raf contributes to motoneuron degeneration in spinal muscular atrophy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Hensel N,Cieri F,Santonicola P,Tapken I,Schüning T,Taiana M,Pagliari E,Joseph A,Fischer S,Heidrich N,Brinkmann H,Kubinski S,Bergmann AK,Richter MF,Jung K,Corti S,Di Schiavi E,Claus P
Tue May 04 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Intranasal mesenchymal stem cell therapy to boost myelination after encephalopathy of prematurity.
Vaes JEG,van Kammen CM,Trayford C,van der Toorn A,Ruhwedel T,Benders MJNL,Dijkhuizen RM,Möbius W,van Rijt SH,Nijboer CH
450-50 was used in Cell Culture to show that MSCs adapt their secretome after ex vivo exposure to dWMI milieu and identified several factors including IGF1, EGF, LIF, and IL11 that potently boost OL maturation.
Mon Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Oncostatin M induces hyperalgesic priming and amplifies signaling of cAMP to ERK by RapGEF2 and PKA.
Journal of neurochemistry
Garza Carbajal A,Ebersberger A,Thiel A,Ferrari L,Acuna J,Brosig S,Isensee J,Moeller K,Siobal M,Rose-John S,Levine J,Schaible HG,Hucho T
450-50 was used in Sample Preparation to conclude that priming induced by OSM uses a novel mechanism to enhance and prolong coupling of cAMP/PKA to ERK1/2 signaling without changing the overall pathway structure.
Tue Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Development of an objective index, neural activity score (NAS), reveals neural network ontogeny and treatment effects on microelectrode arrays.
Scientific reports
Passaro AP,Aydin O,Saif MTA,Stice SL
Tue Apr 27 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Select neurotrophins promote oligodendrocyte progenitor cell process outgrowth in the presence of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans.
Journal of neuroscience research
Siebert JR,Osterhout DJ
Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Impacts of ciliary neurotrophic factor on the retinal transcriptome in a mouse model of photoreceptor degeneration.
Scientific reports
Wang Y,Rhee KD,Pellegrini M,Yang XJ
Mon Apr 20 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Preclinical stress originates in the rat optic nerve head during development of autoimmune optic neuritis.
Stojic A,Bojcevski J,Williams SK,Bas-Orth C,Nessler S,Linington C,Diem R,Fairless R
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Astrocyte-to-astrocyte contact and a positive feedback loop of growth factor signaling regulate astrocyte maturation.
Li J,Khankan RR,Caneda C,Godoy MI,Haney MS,Krawczyk MC,Bassik MC,Sloan SA,Zhang Y
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Oligodendrocytes Support Neuronal Glutamatergic Transmission via Expression of Glutamine Synthetase.
Cell reports
Xin W,Mironova YA,Shen H,Marino RAM,Waisman A,Lamers WH,Bergles DE,Bonci A
450-50 was used in Cell Culture to study whether oligodendrocytes, the myelinating glia of the central nervous system, express high levels of GS in caudal regions like the midbrain and the spinal cord.
Tue May 21 00:00:00 UTC 2019
The RNA-binding protein FUS/TLS undergoes calcium-mediated nuclear egress during excitotoxic stress and is required for GRIA2 mRNA processing.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Tischbein M,Baron DM,Lin YC,Gall KV,Landers JE,Fallini C,Bosco DA
Fri Jun 28 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Neuronal activity regulates DROSHA via autophagy in spinal muscular atrophy.
Scientific reports
Gonçalves IDCG,Brecht J,Thelen MP,Rehorst WA,Peters M,Lee HJ,Motameny S,Torres-Benito L,Ebrahimi-Fakhari D,Kononenko NL,Altmüller J,Vilchez D,Sahin M,Wirth B,Kye MJ
Mon May 21 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Enhanced Functional Genomic Screening Identifies Novel Mediators of Dual Leucine Zipper Kinase-Dependent Injury Signaling in Neurons.
Welsbie DS,Mitchell KL,Jaskula-Ranga V,Sluch VM,Yang Z,Kim J,Buehler E,Patel A,Martin SE,Zhang PW,Ge Y,Duan Y,Fuller J,Kim BJ,Hamed E,Chamling X,Lei L,Fraser IDC,Ronai ZA,Berlinicke CA,Zack DJ
Wed Jun 21 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Fibrinogen Activates BMP Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells and Inhibits Remyelination after Vascular Damage.
Petersen MA,Ryu JK,Chang KJ,Etxeberria A,Bardehle S,Mendiola AS,Kamau-Devers W,Fancy SPJ,Thor A,Bushong EA,Baeza-Raja B,Syme CA,Wu MD,Rios Coronado PE,Meyer-Franke A,Yahn S,Pous L,Lee JK,Schachtrup C,Lassmann H,Huang EJ,Han MH,Absinta M,Reich DS,Ellisman MH,Rowitch DH,Chan JR,Akassoglou K
Wed Dec 06 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Natural allelic variation of the IL-21 receptor modulates ischemic stroke infarct volume.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Lee HK,Keum S,Sheng H,Warner DS,Lo DC,Marchuk DA
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Somatodendritic Expression of JAM2 Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Myelination.
Redmond SA,Mei F,Eshed-Eisenbach Y,Osso LA,Leshkowitz D,Shen YA,Kay JN,Aurrand-Lions M,Lyons DA,Peles E,Chan JR
Wed Aug 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Somatodendritic Expression of JAM2 Inhibits Oligodendrocyte Myelination.
Redmond SA,Mei F,Eshed-Eisenbach Y,Osso LA,Leshkowitz D,Shen YA,Kay JN,Aurrand-Lions M,Lyons DA,Peles E,Chan JR
Wed Aug 17 00:00:00 UTC 2016
CXCL10 triggers early microglial activation in the cuprizone model.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Clarner T,Janssen K,Nellessen L,Stangel M,Skripuletz T,Krauspe B,Hess FM,Denecke B,Beutner C,Linnartz-Gerlach B,Neumann H,Vallières L,Amor S,Ohl K,Tenbrock K,Beyer C,Kipp M
Wed Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
SH3-binding protein 5 mediates the neuroprotective effect of the secreted bioactive peptide humanin by inhibiting c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase.
The Journal of biological chemistry
Takeshita Y,Hashimoto Y,Nawa M,Uchino H,Matsuoka M
Fri Aug 23 00:00:00 UTC 2013
3D multicolor super-resolution imaging offers improved accuracy in neuron tracing.
PloS one
Lakadamyali M,Babcock H,Bates M,Zhuang X,Lichtman J
Mon Jun 04 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Oligodendrocyte differentiation from adult multipotent stem cells is modulated by glutamate.
Cell death & disease
Cavaliere F,Urra O,Alberdi E,Matute C
Thu Feb 02 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Derivation of enriched oligodendrocyte cultures and oligodendrocyte/neuron myelinating co-cultures from post-natal murine tissues.
Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE
O'Meara RW,Ryan SD,Colognato H,Kothary R
Sun Aug 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011
SOCS3 deletion promotes optic nerve regeneration in vivo.
Smith PD,Sun F,Park KK,Cai B,Wang C,Kuwako K,Martinez-Carrasco I,Connolly L,He Z
Thu Dec 10 00:00:00 UTC 2009
Hyperoxia causes maturation-dependent cell death in the developing white matter.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Gerstner B,DeSilva TM,Genz K,Armstrong A,Brehmer F,Neve RL,Felderhoff-Mueser U,Volpe JJ,Rosenberg PA
450-50 was used in Tissue/organ culture to investigate the pathway of hyperoxia-induced oligodendrocyte death in rats.
Wed Jan 30 00:00:00 UTC 2008
Leukemia inhibitory factor and ciliary neurotrophic factor cause dendritic retraction in cultured rat sympathetic neurons.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Guo X,Chandrasekaran V,Lein P,Kaplan PL,Higgins D
Mon Mar 15 00:00:00 UTC 1999
A role for MAPK/ERK in sympathetic neuron survival: protection against a p53-dependent, JNK-independent induction of apoptosis by cytosine arabinoside.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Anderson CN,Tolkovsky AM
Fri Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 1999
Neurotrophins induce formation of functional excitatory and inhibitory synapses between cultured hippocampal neurons.
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
Vicario-Abejón C,Collin C,McKay RD,Segal M
Tue Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 1998