

微孔板试剂分液器以受控速率将试剂分配至微孔板中。产品包括仪器、系统和附件。Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi 试剂分液器易于使用、具有出色的灵活性和准确度,可满足制药和生物技术实验室的众多要求
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: 试剂分液阀. : 分液阀. : Each.
: <1µL:±5%
: 试剂分液器. : Multidrop Combi nL 低量试剂分液器. : 50 nL 至 50 μL.
: 数字分液器卡盒. : 不可高温高压灭菌. : 药物组合研究,生化检测,基于细胞的检测,DMPK,二次筛选,合成化学,检测开发,荧光定量 qPCR,酶联免疫,抗体治疗,SAR 和斑点试验. : USB.
Great choice for dispensing picoliter to microliter volumes for one to eight different types of fluid across an entire plate or just part of a plate.
Great choice for dispensing picoliter to microliter volumes for one to eight different types of fluid across an entire plate or just part of a plate.
Great choice for dispensing picoliter to microliter volumes for one to eight different types of fluid across an entire plate or just part of a plate.
: 数字分液器. : 药物联合用药研究,生化检测,基于细胞的检测,DMPK,二次筛选,合成化学,检测开发,qPCR,酶联免疫,抗体治疗,SAR 和斑点试验. : USB. : 12、24、48、96、384、1536 孔板,板高:6-47 mm.
Pico 1 and Pico 8 offers enhanced dispensing precision with volume as low as 11pL in any well, using up to ten times less reagent compared to manual pipetting workflows, enabling significant cost and waste reductions.
: 试剂分液器. : 8.
Meet your lab's specific needs with outstanding flexibility and performance with the easy-to-use Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Reagent Dispenser, designed to support the varied requirements of pharmaceutical and biotechnology laboratories.
: 可经历 50 次 121°C、1 bar、20 min 的高压灭菌处理. : 聚丙烯吸头. : 硅胶管. : 5 至 2500 μL.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi, 384 and DW Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi, 384 and DW Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi, 384 and DW Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi, 384 and DW Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi, 384 and DW Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi SMART Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
Guarantee excellent dispensing results and day-to-day performance with Thermo Scientific™ Multidrop™ Combi SMART Reagent Dispenser Accessories.
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