

疏水相互作用色谱 (HIC) 是一种利用疏水性分离样品或溶液中化合物(如蛋白)的技术。这些试剂和用品专门设计用于 HIC。
产品 (27)
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27 Products
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Benzyl Ultra 填料5 mLEach
苯甲基填料5 mLEach
乙基填料5 mLEach
乙基树脂25 mLEach
乙基树脂50 mLEach
乙基树脂250 mLEach
乙基树脂1,000 mLEach
乙基树脂5,000 mLEach
乙基树脂10,000 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂25 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂50 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂250 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂1,000 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂5,000 mLEach
Benzyl Ultra 树脂10,000 mLEach
苯甲基树脂25 mLEach
苯甲基树脂50 mLEach
苯甲基树脂250 mLEach
苯甲基树脂1,000 mLEach
苯甲基树脂5,000 mLEach
苯甲基树脂10,000 mLEach
: 5 mL. : 0.8 cm : Benzyl Ultra 填料. : 5 mL.
: 5 mL. : 0.8 cm : 苯甲基填料. : 5 mL.
: 5 mL. : 0.8 cm : 乙基填料. : 5 mL.
POROS™ Ethyl RoboColumn Thermo Scientific™
: 新型乙基填料. : 室温. : POROS™. : 新型乙基.
POROS™ Ethyl RoboColumn Thermo Scientific™
This RoboColumn™ product is pre-packed with POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin (Cat. No. A32552) and suitable for impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules, primarily for bind/elute operations
: 乙基树脂. : 50 μm. : 室温. : POROS™.
POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Ethyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
: 高密度苯甲基/芳香族填料. : 室温. : POROS™. : 高密度苄基/芳香族.
This RoboColumn™ product is pre-packed with POROS Benzyl Ultra Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin (Cat. No. A32564) that is well suited for aggregate removal from monoclonal antibody monomer in flow-through mode at low salt concentrations in large scale downstream bioprocessing.
: Benzyl Ultra 树脂. : 50 μm. : 室温. : POROS™.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS™ Benzyl RoboColumn Thermo Scientific™
: 低密度苯甲基/芳香族填料. : 室温. : POROS™. : 低密度苯甲基/芳香族.
POROS™ Benzyl RoboColumn Thermo Scientific™
This RoboColumn™ product is pre-packed with POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin (Cat. No. A32558) that is suitable for impurity removal in the large scale downstream purification of biomolecules, for both bind/elute and flow-through operations.
: 苯甲基树脂. : Benzyl/Aromatic. : 50 μm. : 室温.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
POROS Benzyl Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) Resin is a bioprocess high-performance resin engineered for improved impurity removal during large-scale downstream purification of biomolecules.
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