

使用血站冷藏冰箱通过保持均一温度来储存和保护全血和血液成分,同时符合严格的 AABB、ANRC 和 FDA 要求。冷藏冰箱有多种型号可供选择,包括允许从装置正面和背面取放、具有增加安全性的可锁门、图表记录器以及警告温度偏差的报警器的直通式型号。使用 Thermo Scientific™ Revco™ 血站冷藏冰箱储存全血和血液成分,符合严格的 AABB、ANRC 和 FDA 要求。
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TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
: TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱. : 2°C 至 8°C. : +4°C. : R290.
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
TSB 血站冷藏冰箱 Thermo Scientific™
Thermo Scientific TSB 系列血站冷藏冰箱设计满足储存血液和血液相关物品的严格要求,完全符合 93/42/CE – IIa 级法规。
: R290. : 不锈钢(抽屉). : 微处理器. : 自动.
Thermo Scientific™ TSX 系列高性能血站冷藏冰箱设计符合严格的 AABB 及 ANRC 安全性与性能要求。 现已通过符合 AABB 标准的产品评估 (SCoPE) 计划、FDA II 级和 MDD 93/42/EEC IIa 级认证,列出的 TSX 系列采用 V-Drive 技术,可提供您所需的性能和质量,以及您应得的低噪音、低能耗和卓越的用户体验。
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
Thermo Scientific™ TSX Series high-performance blood bank refrigerators are designed to meet strict safety and performance requirements established by the AABB and ANRC. Now certified to the AABB Standards-Compliant Product Evaluation (SCoPE) program, the FDA Class II and MDD 93/42/EEC Class IIa...
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