

塑料管路适用于一般实验室、生物药剂学、食品和饮料、环境、真空、低压或高压、洁净室和医疗级应用。可由编织或耐化学和腐蚀的材料制成。利用灵活耐用的 Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ 50 铂金固化硅胶管路尽可能减少蛋白和食品的吸收。使用半透明 Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene&trade 489 线性 LDPE 管路可轻松查看液位。
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Flexible Braided Tubing1 in.25.4 mmEach
Flexible Braided Tubing3/4 in.19.05 mmEach
Flexible Braided Tubing5/8 in.15.88 mmEach
Flexible Braided Tubing1/2 in.12.7 mmEach
Flexible Braided Tubing3/8 in.9.525 mmEach
Flexible Braided Tubing5/16 in.7.94 mmEach
: Meets FDA regulations for food use. : Flexible Braided Tubing. : Braided Tubing. : Not Autoclavable.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
Easily bend Thermo Scientific™Nalgene™980 Braided Clear PVC Tubing into place and allow tighter compression of crimp fittings for a secure fit. Designed for high-pressure applications, it is more flexible than most competitive reinforced PVC tubing.
: 符合 FDA CFR21关于食品包装、USP VI、细胞毒性、REACH、无乳胶、RoHS 和 CA Prop 65的要求. : 柔性管路. : 公制非邻苯二甲酸酯 PVC 管. : 可高温高压灭菌.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Metric Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
: 符合 FDA CFR21关于食品包装、USP VI、细胞毒性、REACH、无乳胶、RoHS 和 CA Prop 65的要求. : 柔性管路. : 非邻苯二甲酸酯 PVC 管. : 可高温高压灭菌.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Non-Phthalate Clear Plastic PVC Tubing is manufactured from the highest-grade resin materials and performs like classic Nalgene 180 tubing but is free from orthophthalate DEHP plasticizers.
每页显示结果数15 30 60