

用于使用 LC 和 HPLC 系统进行准确且一致的自动进样的仪器。产品包括分流环和吸入式装液自动进样器和附件,如柱前加热器、样品定量环、活塞密封件和替换部件。
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6x 孔板(96 和 384);6x54 2 mL 样品瓶;6x15 10 mL 样品瓶Each
6x 孔板(96 和 384);6x54 2 mL 样品瓶;6x15 10 mL 样品瓶Each
PEEK100 μLEach
25 μL-
1300 bar不锈钢Each
Pack of 6
: 高达 20 mL. : 在线 SPE 和标准样品进样. : 6x 孔板(96 和 384);6x54 2 mL 样品瓶;6x15 10 mL 样品瓶. : 用于水分析的 LC TriPlus RSH EQuan 850 系统.
: 最多 100 μL. : 6x 孔板(96 和 384);6x54 2 mL 样品瓶;6x15 10 mL 样品瓶. : LC TriPlus RSH μSPE 自动进样器. : 4°C - 40°C.
: 透明前护盖. : Ultimate ACC-3000 T 柱温箱.
: 样品定量环. : 100 μL. : 是. : WPS-3000 TBSL 分析型.
: 样品定量环,微升级. : 25 μL. : 否. : 定量环;25 uL;3000 WPS-3000 SL,WPS-3000 RS.
: 预热器. : 1300 bar. : 530 毫米. : 被动式预热器,SST,3 µL,0.18 × 530 mm
: 柱后冷却器. : 2 μL 主动冷却容积. : 1300 bar. : 柱后冷却器,SST,2 µL,内径 0.13 mm(适用于 TCC-3000RS)
: 色谱柱 ID 卡. : TCC-3000 SD/RS. : TCC-3000SD/RS.
: 漏斗支架. : 21 位. : Ultimate AFC-3000 馏分收集器. : Ultimate™ AFC-3000 馏分收集器.
: 适用于正相 LC 的套件. : Dionex AFC-3000 自动馏分收集器. : Dionex™ AFC-3000 自动馏分收集器. : 不锈钢滴液器.
: 低流速套件. : Ultimate AFC-3000 馏分收集器. : Ultimate™ AFC-3000 馏分收集器. : PEEK 滴液器.
: 替换用菜单笔. : Dionex UltiMate 3000 系统.
: 生物兼容快速分离恒温自动进样器. : 对于 2 μL 进样,通常为 < 0.15% RSD : 分流环. : 各式.
: 分析型生物兼容吸入式装液恒温孔板自动进样器. : 完全装液 < 60;部分装液 < 90 秒. : <0.25% : 0.01 至 250 µL
: 洗脱液瓶. : 250 mL. : Ultimate AFC-3000 馏分收集器. : Ultimate™ AFC-3000 馏分收集器.
Maximize your productivity by processing large numbers of LC/MS samples quickly and reliably with the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH Autosampler and Liquid Handling System. This autosampler, which is equipped with Robotic Tool Change (RTC), takes liquid handling and sample preparation to the next...
Vanquish™ Column Holders Thermo Scientific™
Secure your LC column in the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Column Compartment module using our column holders (for Vanquish Compartments H and C) and column clips (for Vanquish Column Compartment N). View HPLC/UHPLC resources
: 预热器. : 1500 bar. : MP35N.
Obtain better peak shape and retention time stability using active pre-heaters for Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Column Compartments. Pre-heaters match the temperature of solvent entering the column to the temperature of the column to avoid performance loss due to temperature effects.
: 柱后冷却器. : 1500 bar. : Vanquish 柱温箱 H. : MP35N.
Obtain better peak shape and retention time stability using post-column coolers for Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Column Compartments. Post-column coolers, available for the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Column Compartment H, ensure the lowest detector noise and drift for separations at elevated...
: 预热器. : 1500 bar. : Vanquish 柱温箱. : MP35N.
Obtain better peak shape and retention time stability using passive pre-heaters for Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Column Compartments. Pre-heaters match the temperature of solvent entering the column to the temperature of the column to avoid performance loss due to temperature effects.
Maximize your productivity by processing large numbers of LC/MS samples quickly and reliably with the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH Autosampler and Liquid Handling System. This autosampler, which is equipped with Robotic Tool Change (RTC), takes liquid handling and sample preparation to the next...
Maximize your productivity by processing large numbers of LC/MS samples quickly and reliably with the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH Autosampler and Liquid Handling System. This autosampler, which is equipped with Robotic Tool Change (RTC), takes liquid handling and sample preparation to the next...
Maximize your productivity by processing large numbers of LC/MS samples quickly and reliably with the Thermo Scientific™ TriPlus™ RSH Autosampler and Liquid Handling System. This autosampler, which is equipped with Robotic Tool Change (RTC), takes liquid handling and sample preparation to the next...
: 低至 8 s(取决于分离条件). : 1 μL(咖啡因水溶液)时 < 0.25% 面积 RSD
0.5 μL(咖啡因水溶液)时典型值 < 0.5% 面积 RSD
: 分流环,2 个进样装置. : 4 个节段,用于样品架或 SBS 占用空间规格的孔板;12 x 22.5 mm 外径样品瓶
Improve productivity using the Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Dual Split Sampler. Designed to support Thermo Scientific™ Vanquish™ Duo UHPLC system for Dual LC, this unique biocompatible autosampler combines two injection devices in one housing, resulting in two separate channels that are individually...
UltiMate™ 3000 Pre-Heaters Thermo Scientific™
Match solvent temperature to column temperature before the solvent enters the column to avoid loss in separation efficiency due to thermal mismatch effects. Thermo Scientific™ Passive Pre-heaters, for Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ TCC-3000(RS) Column Compartments, condition the mobile phase before it...
UltiMate™ 3000 Pre-Heaters Thermo Scientific™
Match solvent temperature to column temperature before the solvent enters the column to avoid loss in separation efficiency due to thermal mismatch effects. Thermo Scientific™ Passive Pre-heaters, for Thermo Scientific™ UltiMate™ TCC-3000(RS) Column Compartments, condition the mobile phase before it...
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