Vivid 0.5 in. high display. Fisherbrand Traceable Digital Tachometer measures the speed of a centrifuge from a distance up to 12 in. (30cm). Five-digit LCD; memory feature lets you recall the highest, lowest, and last reading. Rugged ABS case.
Introduce automation into your workflow with Thermo Scientific™ sample storage starter packs. Choose from five different starter pack options: BASIC, ADVANCED, PREMIUM, PREMIUM 0.5 mL and PREMIUM 1.mL. All Starter Packs include Matrix™ ScrewTop Tri-coded Tubes with an 8-Channel Screw Cap Decapper.
选择 EM 产品时,需要考虑许多因素。所选择的系统配置、软件应用程序和服务必须协同配合,才能获得您需要的突破性数据。系统周围的物理位置和环境是实现所需结果的基础。即便是微小的变化也可能造成处于或偏离不断收紧的系统规范的差异。 在 TEM 中,样本架的垂直振动将产生焦点变化,导致分辨率损失。在 STEM 图像中,水平干扰会产生图像标记,从而模糊边缘并直接影响分辨率。任何超出系统规范的温度漂移都可能导致数据丢失。对于低温 TEM 实验室,湿度控制也至关重要。 使用 Thermo Scientific...