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NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
NSF listed Class II, Type B2 BSC incorporating SmartFlow intelligent compensation for downflow, energy efficient DC motors and line-of-sight graphical display and user controls for easy access.
Protect samples with the Thermo Scientific™ Heraguard™ ECO Clean Bench, which features optimal efficiency, safety, and functionality. Available with dual DC motors.
Save time, energy and money with Thermo Scientific™ 1300 Series A2 Class II, Type A2 Bio Safety Cabinets.
Our 1300 Series A2 BSC packages feature everything required to get started, including cabinet, manual adjustable height stand, factory-installed UV light and one set of armrests. Dual Certified to NSF/ANSI 49 and YY0569
Perform daily applications safely and efficiently with this simple-to-order package, which includes a cabinet, stand, pre-installed UV light and armrests.
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分析测试与质量控制 细胞治疗解决方案, 抗体药物整体解决方案 抗体药物的研发 抗体药物工艺开发和放大 抗体表征分析与检测 原辅料和药包材料分析 实验室自动化, 通用设备和耗材&生物安全防护 实验室的数字化解决方案 PPI(实用流程改进) 新建实验室解决方案 生物制药CDMO服务 临床试验服务 仪器以及企业服务, 对于制药和生物制药来说,无论是生产创新型药物,还是确保产品对客户安全有效,数据在改善人类健康方面发挥着关键作用。您需要一款能够确保高质量科学结果,同时确保法规遵从性和数据完整性的解决方案。...
采用经验证的细胞培养仪器和设备推进您的研究,包括细胞培养箱、生物安全柜、通用离心机、实验室冷藏冰箱和冰柜、自动细胞计数仪和细胞成像系统。, 设备 CO2 培养箱 生物安全柜 通用离心机 循环水浴 实验室冰箱 实验室纯水设备, 仪器 自动细胞计数仪 EVOS 成像系统, 可靠的培养助力您的科学发现。 相比于其他品牌细胞培养箱,世界各地的科学家更多地依赖 Thermo Scientific CO 2 培养箱进行重要培养。 留下您的联系方式,即可获得:, 阅读我们推荐的应用资料 CO2培养箱的使用及维护 使用选择工具选取可以满足您需求的理想 CO2 培养箱 , 从不间断的保护。Thermo...