

超滤过滤器和装置可与生物液体和含水样品配合使用,用于离心浓缩、脱盐和需要细孔径的纯化。产品包括蛋白浓缩仪。带有聚醚砜 (PES) 膜的一次性超滤离心设备 Thermo Scientific™ Pierce 蛋白浓缩仪可用于生物样品的浓缩、脱盐或缓冲液置换。
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50 mL 锥形离心柱Each
50 mL 锥形离心柱Each
: 是. : PES. : 蛋白质. : 室温.
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性离心装置,使用本款产品可轻松快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。这些产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 3K 或 5K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品体积。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性离心装置,使用本款产品可轻松快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。这些产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 3K 或 5K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品体积。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性离心装置,使用本款产品可轻松快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。这些产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 3K 或 5K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品体积。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性离心装置,使用本款产品可轻松快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。这些产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 3K 或 5K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品体积。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性离心装置,使用本款产品可轻松快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。这些产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 3K 或 5K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品体积。
: PES. : 10 kDa. : 蛋白质. : 室温.
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性超滤离心装置,使用本款产品可快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。该产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 10K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品量。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性超滤离心装置,使用本款产品可快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。该产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 10K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品量。
Thermo Scientific Pierce 蛋白浓缩管(PES [聚醚砜])是一种能够快速回收样品并缩短处理时间的一次性超滤离心装置,使用本款产品可快速地浓缩蛋白和生物样品。这些浓缩柱可以与标准的微量离心机设备一起使用,并且可以在不需要反旋转的情况下收集样品。样品可以在脱盐或不脱盐的情况下进行浓缩。该产品的截留分子量 (MWCO) 为 10K,可用于处理 0.5 至 100 mL 的样品量。
Quickly concentrate proteins and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable ultrafiltration centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Quickly concentrate proteins and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable ultrafiltration centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
: 是. : PES. : 30 kDa. : 蛋白质.
Easily and quickly concentrate 30K MWCO protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 30K MWCO protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 30K MWCO protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 30K MWCO protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 30K MWCO protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
: Membrane Filter. : PES. : 50 kDa. : Pierce™.
Easily and quickly concentrate 50K molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 50K molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 50K molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 50K molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
Easily and quickly concentrate 50K molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) protein and biological samples with Thermo Scientific Pierce Protein Concentrators PES (polyethersulfone), which are disposable centrifugation devices that enable fast sample recovery and a short processing time.
: Membrane Filter. : Cassette. : Labscale TFF system. : Polypropylene.
Pierce Crossflow Cassettes are designed for easy setup, flexibility, and robust performance. They can process sample solutions ranging from 0.5 to 3 liters in volume and operate via a peristaltic pump pressure-driven process where the sample solution containing solutes are pushed tangentially across...
Pierce Crossflow Cassettes are designed for easy setup, flexibility, and robust performance. They can process sample solutions ranging from 0.5 to 3 liters in volume and operate via a peristaltic pump pressure-driven process where the sample solution containing solutes are pushed tangentially across...
Pierce Crossflow Cassettes are designed for easy setup, flexibility, and robust performance. They can process sample solutions ranging from 0.5 to 3 liters in volume and operate via a peristaltic pump pressure-driven process where the sample solution containing solutes are pushed tangentially across...
Pierce Crossflow Cassettes are designed for easy setup, flexibility, and robust performance. They can process sample solutions ranging from 0.5 to 3 liters in volume and operate via a peristaltic pump pressure-driven process where the sample solution containing solutes are pushed tangentially across...
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