

使用光发射光谱法测定固体金属样品元素组成的仪器。在 OES 期间,样品被激发,所得光发射的光谱数据用于鉴别样品的组分。
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10 Products
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Perform rapid high quality metals analyses with a customizable software solution for optical emission spectrometers. Flexible and powerful Thermo Scientific™ OXSAS™ Optical Emission Analytical Software runs a variety of analyses, including the development of new analytical methods and calibrations...
: ARL easySpark Metal Analyzer. : ARL easySpark 1160金属分析仪.
: 光电倍增管. : PMT. : 用于确定固体金属样品的元素组成以进行质量控制,尤其适用于炼钢和铝冶金过程。. : ARL iSpark Plus 系列 OES直读光谱仪.
: 夹杂物分析仪. : 光电倍增管 (PMT). : 钢材中的元素和夹杂物分析. : 1200 mm.
This product has been replaced as of September 2023 with the Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ iSpark Plus Series OES Metal Analyzer. Please click here to learn more about the product and to request a quote.
: 金属. : 采矿. : 水泥. : Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ iSpark 直读光谱仪或 Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ 9900 X 射线荧光光谱仪.
Drive process control laboratory efficiencies in the metals and mining industries with the Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ SMS-3500 Automation for Twin OES or XRF, a complete laboratory workflow automation solution.
Traditional fire assay analysis is labor-intensive, expensive and environmentally harmful. The Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ iSpark Plus Fire Assay Analyzer offers a simple, clean alternative to the traditional cupellation and analysis stages by using spark optical emission spectrometry (OES) to determine...
Meet stringent steel specifications while increasing efficiency and lowering production costs. The Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ SMS-2300 Robotics-Based Automation for OES or XRF is an automated quality control solution to optimize your steel production operation.
Meet stringent steel specifications while increasing efficiency and lowering production costs. The Thermo Scientific™ ARL™ SMS-2300 Robotics-Based Automation for OES or XRF is an automated quality control solution to optimize your steel production operation.