Cell Sorter Products

Cell Sorter Products

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3 Products
  • 细胞分选仪附件 (2)
    细胞分选仪 (1)
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: Bigfoot™ Spectral Cell Sorter. : Flow Cytometry. : Bigfoot™.
: Invitrogen™ Bigfoot™ Cell Sorter. : Daily QC of Bigfoot Cell Sorter. : 3 x 5 mL. : QC Beads.
: 99 x 99 x 177 cm. : 样品输入:6管;1.5 mL、5 mL 或 15 mL 试管输入位置;样品输出:至多6路分选入试管;可配置试管支架包括 1.5 mL、5 mL、15 mL 和 50 mL 适配器;可分选至多达1,536个孔的多路微孔板。 : 50/60 Hz. : 激发激光:405 nm、488 nm、561 nm、640 nm.
网站内容 (4)
此类视频、教程和网络讲座用于提供有关流式细胞仪、流式研究应用相关的技术和教学信息。, Flow cytometry monthly webinar series - Register today, This webinar addresses potential applications of integrating morphology analysis with standard flow cytometry, with specific focus on cancer research, such as those involving circulating tumor cells,...
One of the primary goals of marine biology is to understand how oceanic phenomena influence the distribution of marine organisms. Researchers in this field examine how specific organisms adapt to the diverse chemical and physical properties of seawater, oceanic movements and currents, light...
文档和技术资源 (32)
White Paper: Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter A new approach to cell sorter safety
Specification Sheet: Invitrogen Bigfoot Spectral Cell Sorter