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33 Products
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CellInsight™1 incubator
CellInsight™1 incubator
ArrayScan™1 each
CellInsight™高灵敏度单色 CMOSEach
CellInsight™高灵敏度单色 CMOSEach
CellInsight™1 each
CellInsight™1 each
CellInsight™1 each
EVOS™320 万像素、彩色、CMOS(2个摄像头)荧光显微镜Each
EVOS™320万像素,单色,CMOS成像系统1 system
EVOS™310 万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素配置的成像系统Each
EVOS:310万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素,1/2 in.配置的成像系统Each
EVOS™310万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素,1/2 in.成像系统Each
Floid™130万像素,单色,HAD CCD,1/3 in.细胞成像系统Each
1000万像素彩色相机。 140万像素单色相机——用作荧光研究的专用相机Each 1
1000万像素照相机Each 1
1000万像素彩色相机。 140万像素单色相机——用作荧光研究的专用相机Each 1
1000万像素照相机Each 1
5 MPAutomated Cell CounterEach
Countess™5 MP全自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP自动细胞计数器及附件Each
Countess™5 MP全自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
Countess™5 MP用户安装型自动细胞计数器Each
: CellInsight™. : 室温.
: CellInsight™. : 室温.
: ArrayScan™. : ArrayScan VTI HCA 读数仪.
: CellInsight™. : 线性、轨道、双轨道. : 高灵敏度单色 CMOS. : 0至 3000 VDC;0至 250 VAC.
: CellInsight™. : 线性、轨道、双轨道. : 高灵敏度单色 CMOS. : 0至 3000 VDC;0至 250 VAC.
: CellInsight™. : 多种颜色. : 荧光. : 减少危害、减少废弃物、使用更少的资源.
: CellInsight™. : CellInsight™ CX7 高内涵分析平台和 Store 标准版. : 高内涵仪器. : 多种颜色.
: CellInsight™. : 多种颜色. : 荧光. : 减少危害、减少废弃物、使用更少的资源.
: CellInsight™. : CellInsight™ CX7 高内涵分析平台. : 高内涵仪器. : 多种颜色.
: CellInsight™. : CeLLInsight™ CX5 高内涵筛选平台,装有 HCS Studio 细胞分析软件和 Store Express. : Thermo Scientific™ Orbitor™ RS 微孔板移动机械臂. : 绿光、蓝光、近红外光、远红外光、红光.
: 荧光显微镜. : EVOS™. : 320 万像素、彩色、CMOS(2个摄像头). : 神经生物学、免疫肿瘤学、活细胞成像、3D 细胞成像、高分辨率平铺扫描、免疫组织化学技术 (IHC).
: 成像系统. : EVOS™. : 320万像素,单色,CMOS. : 成像.
: 配置的成像系统. : EVOS™. : 310 万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素. : 细胞培养,组织培养.
: 配置的成像系统. : EVOS:. : 310万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素,1/2 in. : 细胞培养,组织培养.
: 成像系统. : EVOS™. : 310万像素,彩色,2048 x 1536 像素,1/2 in. : 细胞培养,组织培养.
: 细胞成像系统. : Floid™. : 130万像素,单色,HAD CCD,1/3 in. : 细胞成像.
: The Cellect also supports all consumables and reagents used by Arcturus legacy instruments. : 2X、4X、10X、20X、40X 和 60X 物镜标准.
Arcturus Cellect 是一个双激光显微切割捕获平台,用于收获目标细胞进行 DNA/RNA 和蛋白质研究。 Arcturus Cellect 平台设计为一种精确、无接触的平台,有助于最大程度减少污染问题。 Celect 支持 Arcturus 传统仪器使用的所有耗材和试剂。 Arcturus Cellect 提供红外激光和紫外激光功能,用于细胞收获。 Arcturus Cellect 的红外激光能够在不破坏细胞核酸或不降解 RNA 的情况下收获细胞。 Arcturus Cellect 紫外激光能够穿透致密组织和骨骼。
Arcturus Cellect 是一个双激光显微切割捕获平台,用于收获目标细胞进行 DNA/RNA 和蛋白质研究。 Arcturus Cellect 平台设计为一种精确、无接触的平台,有助于最大程度减少污染问题。 Celect 支持 Arcturus 传统仪器使用的所有耗材和试剂。 Arcturus Cellect 提供红外激光和紫外激光功能,用于细胞收获。 Arcturus Cellect 的红外激光能够在不破坏细胞核酸或不降解 RNA 的情况下收获细胞。 Arcturus Cellect 紫外激光能够穿透致密组织和骨骼。
Arcturus Cellect 是一个双激光显微切割捕获平台,用于收获目标细胞进行 DNA/RNA 和蛋白质研究。 Arcturus Cellect 平台设计为一种精确、无接触的平台,有助于最大程度减少污染问题。 Celect 支持 Arcturus 传统仪器使用的所有耗材和试剂。 Arcturus Cellect 提供红外激光和紫外激光功能,用于细胞收获。 Arcturus Cellect 的红外激光能够在不破坏细胞核酸或不降解 RNA 的情况下收获细胞。 Arcturus Cellect 紫外激光能够穿透致密组织和骨骼。
: 5 MP. : Countess 腔室玻片、EVOS 光立方、ReadyCount 染色剂. : Brightfield, Fluorescence. : 2.5X
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop brightfield and fluorescence cell counter with advanced optics, automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm for rapid automated cell counting of primary and immortalized...
: Countess™. : 5 MP. : 细胞培养和分析工作流程. : EVOS 显微镜、Attune 流式细胞仪.
The Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter is a brightfield cell counter equipped with an advanced machine-learning algorithm, ruggedized optics, fully-automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software.
The Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter is a brightfield cell counter equipped with an advanced machine-learning algorithm, ruggedized optics, fully-automated focus and lighting, and image analysis software.
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