

Engineered devices specifically designed to detect and monitor alpha, beta, or gamma radiation on personnel, items, or areas on land or sea; available instruments include fixed units or systems, handheld detectors, kiosks, wands, and portals.
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β 校准固定装置Each
β 校准固定装置Each
: 独立包装服务器硬件并预装 ViewPoint Data Engine 软件;内置防火墙安全保护;完全受到支持的环境;即插即用功能;专用内置服务器;发生故障时可带电插拔. : Thermo Scientific™ Mk2™ EPD 和 Thermo Scientific™ EPD N2™ Trigger EPD 可进行双向通信,以从中心监测站发出警报;远程更改 EPD 警报设定点;以远程方式重新配置其他关键操作参数. : Thermo Fisher Scientific:ADR1200SADU2、α7、AMS4、ARIS、ARIS2、ASM、ASM2、ASP2、E600EPD Mk2、EPDN、EPDN2、FH40G、FHT3511、FHT6020、FHT641、FHT65、FHT671、FHT681、FHZ621、GPS、grabSPEC、HEP、HFM11、Matrix ESP Probe、MDS L+、Mobile ARIS、PackEye、PDR1200S、PM7、RadEye、RIIDEye、RMS3、SAM12、SGS2、TPM-903B、TVA1000B;Bruker:RAID-AFM;Canberra:ADM-300、iCAM、ECAM;Campbell Scientific:CR1000;Environics:ChemProFX;Femtotech:Tritium Monitor;FLIR:IBAC、identiFINDER、Interceptor、Raider、Stanchion;Hamilton:ARFCAM Threatshield;Ludlum:2241、DT375;Mirion:AMP 50、AMP 100、AMP 200、APBM303、DMC 2000、DMC 3000、DRM-1、GIM 204M、IM201M、Mini Edgar、RAMVISION、Telepole、WRM、WRM2;MKS:AirGard;OMEGA:D1000、D5000、M2241;Omni Instruments:BM25;Ortec:Detective;Overhoff:93、421、400SYBC;RadNet 设备:Area Monitor、β Cam、PCM;Raytheon:ASP-L;RSI:RS500;RSL:TRACS;Smiths:Centurion;Vivometrics:Lifeshirt;Zephyr:BioHarness. : ViewPoint 可将数据记录至任何 ODBC 合规数据库。ODBC,或开放数据库连接,是用来访问数据库的一种标准方法。ODBC 允许从采用任何数据库管理系统的任何应用程序中进行数据访问。ODBC 兼容数据库示例有:Microsoft™ SQL ServerOracle.
: 90 VAC 至 264 VAC,47 Hz 至 63 Hz,50 VA 或 6 节碱性 D 型电池. : 键盘. : 90 lb. : 40 kg.
无论是应急响应还是常规辐射监测,都保障公共健康。Thermo Scientific™ Matrix Mobile ARIS™ 检测系统是一种先进的移动解决方案,用于核事故响应、放射性热点识别、环境污染检测和常规安全监督等应用中的辐射监测、巡逻和同位素鉴别。该系统具有智能软件集成的特点,将综合本底轮廓保存到预先确定的警报条件下,提高响应准确度,减少假阳性。
: 所有活动的实时数据完全可自定义警报设置. : 电池可工作长达 3 小时(集成智能电池管理技术)- 支持车载交流电源. : 长达 1 英里无线信号分配. : ViewPoint Enterprise.
在辐射控制区工作的核设施操作人员面临污染风险。如果没有有效的放射性污染监测系统,这些事故会导致重大故障停机、员工压力和生产力降低。Thermo Scientific™ iPCM12 个人污染监测器采用 21 个检测器识别身体、手部和足部表面污染,具备出色的 α 和低能 β 检测能力。探测器分为四个区域,以最大限度地减少本底和实现高探测限,让人员快速通过。
防护系列 II 系统 Thermo Scientific™
: 塑料闪烁体. : 110 至 240 VAC,50 至 65 Hz. : 1500 in.3 (24 L) : Windows 7.
防护系列 I 系统 Thermo Scientific™
: 110 至 240 VAC,50 至 65 Hz. : 600 至 1500 in.3(9.8 至 24.6 L) : γ 和/或中子(选项). : 600G 检测器:210 lb.;1500G 检测器:340 lb.
轻松设置 Thermo Scientific™ LFM-3 入口辐射监测系统。这是一款易于使用的多用途 Γ 和 X 射线检测系统。Thermo Scientific™ LFM-3 辐射监测系统旨在大幅提高对 Γ 辐射的灵敏度,最大限度减少误报,价格实惠。该系统完美地监测填埋场、转运站和其它废物处理设施的材料。
在辐射控制区工作的核设施操作人员面临污染风险。如果没有有效的放射性污染监测系统,这些事故会导致重大故障停机、员工压力和生产力降低。Thermo Scientific™ iPCM12 个人污染监测器采用 21 个检测器识别身体、手部和足部表面污染,具备出色的 α 和低能 β 检测能力。探测器分为四个区域,以最大限度地减少本底和实现高探测限,让人员快速通过。
: 外部连接和线缆(均为 5 m):12 VDC,配有汽车供电连接器、GPS 天线、连接笔记本电脑的 USB 接口. : 在 12 VDC 条件下,∼200 mA(无笔记本电脑). : FHT 1376 移动 γ 辐射检测系统. : 总量:∼2 nSv/h 相对于本底水平的等效计数率 (137Cs);NBR:人工剂量率对当前自然 γ 本底水平的贡献通常为 20%.
在辐射控制区工作的核设施操作人员面临污染风险。如果没有有效的放射性污染监测系统,这些事故会导致重大故障停机、员工压力和生产力降低。Thermo Scientific™ iPCM12 个人污染监测器采用 21 个探测器识别身体、手部和足部表面污染,具备出色的 α 和低能 β 探测能力。探测器分为四个区域,以最大限度地减少本底和实现高探测限,让人员快速通过。
在辐射控制区工作的核设施操作人员面临污染风险。如果没有有效的放射性污染监测系统,这些事故会导致重大故障停机、员工压力和生产力降低。Thermo Scientific™ iPCM12 个人污染监测器采用 21 个检测器识别身体、手部和足部表面污染,具备出色的 α 和低能 β 检测能力。探测器分为四个区域,以最大限度地减少本底和实现高探测限,让人员快速通过。
Nuclear facility personnel working in radiation controlled areas risk contamination. Without an effective radioactive contamination monitoring system, these incidents cause significant downtime, employee stress, and lost productivity.
Nuclear facility personnel working in radiation controlled areas risk contamination. Without an effective radioactive contamination monitoring system, these incidents cause significant downtime, employee stress, and lost productivity.
Nuclear facility personnel working in radiation controlled areas risk contamination. Without an effective radioactive contamination monitoring system, these incidents cause significant downtime, employee stress, and lost productivity.
Nuclear facility personnel working in radiation controlled areas risk contamination. Without an effective radioactive contamination monitoring system, these incidents cause significant downtime, employee stress, and lost productivity.
Neutron Gate Monitor Thermo Scientific™
Keep industrial americium and neutron orphan sources out of your scrap metal operation with a highly sensitive neutron detection system. When radioactive materials get into the scrap metal stream, the costs of clean-up and disposal, and the health risk to workers, are significant.
: 220-240 VAC;50/60 Hz;电流 2.0 Amps : C2 监测器总感光表面积:15601 cm2(16114 cm2,可选配第 2 个足部检测器). : β、γ. : 0∼90%,根据 IEC 标准使用 Cl-36 时,效率 ±10%.
Thoroughly scan for beta/gamma contamination on the entire body surface with the Thermo Scientific™ IPM96 Whole Body Contamination Monitor. Through innovative features including new Thermo Scientific™ Thorough-Scan™ gasless scintillation detector technology, reduced count times, and the highest...
Thoroughly scan for beta/gamma contamination on the entire body surface with the Thermo Scientific™ IPM96 Whole Body Contamination Monitor. Through innovative features including new Thermo Scientific™ Thorough-Scan™ gasless scintillation detector technology, reduced count times, and the highest...
Thoroughly scan for beta/gamma contamination on the entire body surface with the Thermo Scientific™ IPM96 Whole Body Contamination Monitor. Through innovative features including new Thermo Scientific™ Thorough-Scan™ gasless scintillation detector technology, reduced count times, and the highest...
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
The rise in scrap metal recycling means more scrap of unknown quality and origin. Radioactively contaminated scrap threatens both the workers who handle it and consumers of products made with recycled scrap metal.
In a radiation emergency, precise data on the conditions of and around personnel is needed fast. The Thermo Scientific™ ViewPoint™ Enterprise Remote Monitoring Instrument Group is a family of hardware and software solutions that facilitate rapid response and reduced radiation exposure through remote...
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