Perform quantitative measurements in life science laboratories with the automated and network-capable Thermo Scientific™ BioMate™ 160 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. The BioMate 160 Spectrophotometer offers pre-programmed assay methods for nucleic acid and protein concentration as well as cell culture...
Get all of the documentation and reference materials needed to facilitate Installation and Operational qualification procedures (IQ/OQ). Certified standards for verifying instrument performance to factory specifications are available separately.
能量色散 X 射线光谱仪(EDS,也缩写为 EDX 或 XEDS)是一种分析技术,可以对材料进行化学表征/元素分析。由能量源(例如电子显微镜的电子束)激发的样品通过激发出核壳电子来消散一些吸收的能量。然后,一个更高能量的外壳电子跃迁到它的位置,将能量差异释放为 X 射线,该 X 射线具有基于其初始原子的特征光谱。这允许对已被能源激发的给定样品体积进行组分分析。根据光谱中峰的位置识别元素,而信号的强度对应于元素的浓度。, 能量色散 X 射线光谱仪(EDS,也缩写为 EDX 或...