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: 数据/图像管理. : HCA/HCS. : 企业版. : CellInsight.
Data Manager™ 软件 Thermo Scientific™
贵公司最宝贵的财富之一就是公司的知识库,但是当大多数知识都是由许多实验室中不联网的仪器产生而且格式各异时,数据的检索、共享和访问就会很困难。如果数据无法访问,您就可能在数据转化时耗费成倍的精力和宝贵的时间。 Thermo Scientific™ Data Manager™ 软件使您可以安全共享、比较、检索、查询和重复使用整个机构范围内的原始仪器和文件数据。这样可避免手工或书面数据处理,降低成本并改善协作和决策过程。
Integration Manager Thermo Scientific™
如何将海量的企业数据转化为有效的业务决策?多种应用程序往往会在多个地点产生数以 TB 计的数据,这会导致有些关键信息甚至根本无法到达最需要的人手中。Thermo Scientific™ Integration Manager 是一种灵活、功能强大的数据转换工具,可对不同数据源进行转化和合并,从而在整个企业范围内实现点对点的数据分发。这使各部门可简化日常工作流程,更为高效地管理和采集数据以及更为有效地沟通。而且还可使管理人员能够根据整个机构的最新信息制定决策。
Watson LIMS™:软件 Thermo Scientific™
使用行业前列的生物分析解决方案,Thermo Scientific™ Watson LIMS™ 软件可管理生物分析研究从项目启动到研究关闭的整个过程。设计 Watson LIMS 软件时对小分子和大分子生物分析工作流程进行了深入了解。该软件有助于符合行业法规,如关于小分子和大分子生物分析的 21 CFR 第 58 部分。研究协调员、科学家和技术人员均能够在其流程中合乎逻辑地进行每个步骤,简化非临床和临床研究的生物分析支持。 了解更多
: Nautilus LIMS. : Nautilus. : Nautilus.
SampleManager LIMS™ 软件 Thermo Scientific™
: SampleManager LIMS. : LIMS. : SampleManager.
完整的拉曼数据库集 Thermo Scientific™
完整的拉曼数据库集包括一个用户在一整年内对超过 17,000 个高分辨率格式的高质量拉曼光谱的无限访问权限。 可以使用 OMNIC Anywhere 应用程序中包含的检索功能访问所有库,该应用程序可通过我们连接的基于云计算的平台获得。使用 Connect 帐户中的数据,可以快速搜索 OMNIC 数据文件,并以几种不同的文件和报告格式下载结果。 订阅通过 ThermoFisher.com 购买,并通过您的连接帐户交付/管理。将通知您订阅的任何更改,包括即将到期的日期。 您的订阅中包含库更新,因此您将始终能够访问新的光谱数据。
: 数据采集. : 3500 基因分析仪. : Microsoft Windows 10 IoT 64 位. : 数据采集软件.
: GeneMapper™. : 1 license.
: PCR 管理,QuantStudio™ 12K Flex RTPCR 系统. : QuantStudio™ 12k Flex. : 10 个席位. : Windows 7 32 位.
: DeltaV Live v14.LTS : Supports 21 CFR part 11/Annex 11 compliance.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Gibco CTS Cellmation Software is an off-the-shelf solution designed to help simplify and optimize cell therapy manufacturing processes by providing digital connectivity for modular cell therapy instrumentation offered by Thermo Fisher Scientific.
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