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iBlot™ 3 小型硝酸纤维素转印膜组 Green features

iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks are used with iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer Device for the transfer of proteins from an SDS-PAGE gel to a membrane support when performing western blot experiments.

iBlot™ 2转印膜组,PVDF,常规尺寸 Green features

iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins using the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device. iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks are consumable stacks with an integrated pre-activated PVDF transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins.

iBlot™ 2转印膜组,硝酸纤维素,常规尺寸 Green features

iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins using the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device. They are consumable stacks with an integrated nitrocellulose transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins.

iBlot™ 2 转印膜组,PVDF,小型 Green features

iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins using the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device. They are consumable stacks with an integrated pre-activated PVDF transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins.

iBlot™ 转印膜组,硝酸纤维素,常规尺寸 Green features

iBlot 转印膜组用于进行蛋白转印

iBlot™ 转印膜组,PVDF,常规尺寸 Green features

用于通过 iBlot 凝胶转印装置进行蛋白转印

iBlot™ 转印膜组,硝酸纤维素,小型 Green features

iBlot 转印膜组用于进行蛋白转印

iBlot™ 转印膜组,PVDF,小型 Green features

用于通过 iBlot 凝胶转印装置进行蛋白转印

iBlot™ 3 小型 PVDF 转印膜组 Green features

iBlot 3 Transfer Stacks are used with iBlot 3 Western Blot Transfer Device for the transfer of proteins from an SDS-PAGE gel to a membrane support when performing western blot experiments.

iBlot™ 3 中型 PVDF 转印膜组 Green features

iBlot 3 转印膜组与 iBlot 3 Western 印迹转印设备配合使用,用于在进行 Western 印迹实验时将蛋白质从 SDS-PAGE 凝胶转印到膜支持物上。

iBlot™ 3 中型硝酸纤维素转印膜组 Green features

iBlot 3 转印膜组与 iBlot 3 Western 印迹转印设备配合使用,用于在进行 Western 印迹实验时将蛋白质从 SDS-PAGE 凝胶转印到膜支持物上。

iBlot™ 2 转印膜组,硝酸纤维素,小型 Green features

iBlot 2 Transfer Stacks are used to transfer proteins using the iBlot 2 Gel Transfer Device. They are consumable stacks with an integrated nitrocellulose transfer membrane for dry blotting of proteins.