ICP-MS Consumables for Trace Elemental Analysis

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Consumables Kits for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

Use the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Consumables Kits, including consumables for continual regular maintenance, to ensure your system is achieving maximum performance.

Injectors for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

Choose from this range of reliable, screw-in, self-aligning injectors, with differing internal diameters and materials, to match your sample matrices and analytical needs. The iCAP MX and iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems come as standard with a 2.5 mm internal diameter, quartz injector.

Nebulizers for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

We offer a range of nebulizers compatible with the Thermo Scientific™ Element, iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems to meet the needs of your laboratory. The standard cyclonic spray chamber accepts all types of nebulizers with a 6 mm outside diameter.

Online Internal Standard Kits

Take advantage of our Online Internal Standard Kit for iCAP MX and iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems. This kit provides a reliable solution for accurate sample dilution, an essential step in ICP-MS analysis.

Sample and Skimmer Cones for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

Assure robust, uncomplicated trace elemental analysis for your laboratory with the Thermo Scientific iCAP MX and iCAP Q/Qnova series ICP-MS systems. Our easily changeable Ni and Pt sample and skimmer cones are available to suit your analysis requirements and designed for durability, performance and...

适用于 iCAP™ Q/Qnova 系列 ICP-MS 系统的气体附件

使用 Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Q/Qnova 系列 ICP-MS 气体附件,为您的 iCAP Q、iCAP RQ 或 iCAP TQ 系列 ICP-MS 系统提供极佳性能。

Peristaltic Pump Tubing for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS System

Suit your sample matrices and applications with this comprehensive range of Thermo Scientific™ Peristaltic Pump Tubing for the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems; all designed for durability and fitness for purpose.


Available in quartz or PFA to suit your analysis requirements, these Thermo Scientific™ Cyclonic Spray Chambers are for use with the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS systems.

Torches for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

Gain improved plasma stability from the tulip design and easy, push-in Gain improved plasma stability from the tulip design and easy, push-in insertion of fully demountable, single piece, Thermo Scientific™ Torches with connection-free gas supply for Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova...

SEM Detector for iCAP™ MX and iCAP™ Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS Systems

Maintain the linear detection range of your iCAP MX or iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS system by adding an SEM detector.

用于 iCAP Q/Qnova 系列 ICP-MS 系统的冷等离子体透镜工具包

使用 Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Q/Qnova 系列 ICP-MS 系统,在冷等离子体条件下,通过简单添加我们方便的 Thermo Scientific™ Cold Plasma 冷等离子体透镜工具包,轻松进行低质量元素(如 Li、Na、Mg 和 Fe)的常规分析。 为 iCAP Q/Qnova 系列 ICP-MS 系统提供一系列有用的附件工具包,使您的实验室能够在不同的样品基质和应用中进行高级痕量元素分析。