Greener by design products

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TrypLE™ Select 酶 (10X),无酚红 Green features

TrypLE™ Select 酶 (10X),无酚红

TrypLE™ Select 酶 (1X),无酚红 Green features

Gibco TrypLE Select is an animal origin free, recombinant enzyme for dissociating a wide range of adherent mammalian cells, including CHO, HEK 293, A529, primary human keratinocytes, and embryonic stem cells. We offer a variety of TrypLE formulations for a range of cell culture applications.

胰蛋白酶 (2.5%)、无酚红 Green features


TrypLE™ Express 酶 (1X),无酚红 Green features


CTS™ TrypLE™ Select 酶 Green features

CTS™ TrypLE™ Select 酶