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如果您不仅使用了Panel Builder配色工具 ,还期望与流式科学家共同设计复杂流式Panel,赛默飞在全球遴选出一位位优秀的流式技术支持科学家,加速您的流式实验。我们深刻理解完成复杂流式配色十分花费时间、且劳心费神。虽然赛默飞不能代替做完实验,但流式科学家可以与您一起设计流式方案,充分考虑荧光溢漏,实现更加清晰的细胞分群。在使用这个Panel时,我们始终提供技术支持,优化流式Panel,得到最佳结果。点击 赛默飞科学家流式配色,联系我们,开始配色。
使用Panel Builder,可以轻松选出最佳荧光染料搭配。流式小白和大神都在用的Panel Builder流式配色工具可以与您一起轻松五步完成流式配色,加速流式实验进程。
观看小片,了解简单5步如何轻松上手Panel Builder流式配色工具,设计您的流式抗体方案。
刚刚开始流式实验的小白?多年流式摸索经验的大神?Panel Builder都可以帮助您轻松五步选择流式仪器、抗原、荧光、抗体及最后总结,得到满意结果。
现在首先选择实验物种,开始添加抗原。输入所需的抗原,单击“add another antigen”,完成所有抗原选择。
选择 Protein abundance(蛋白表达丰度),从高表达到低表达中选择。若不确定,可以选中等表达。在这里,蛋白表达强度可以帮助在Step 3中选择出更加合适的荧光染料。
如果有指定的克隆,只需点击 More Options 选择想要的克隆。
想要使用Dump Channel吗?想要多个抗原靶标偶联在同一荧光染料吗?在这里,打开More options并将滑块向右拖动,然后选择Yes。这样,您可以将多个抗原使用到同一荧光检测通道。
完成所有选择后,单击 Next Step(下一步)。
在Step 2中选择的蛋白表达丰度会在这里推荐相应荧光染料,有小黑角标做提醒。
开始选择流式荧光染料:第一行通常是从荧光染料选项较少的抗原开始选择。从上往下,最后选择荧光染料选项最多的抗原。 同时还有光谱信息,方便判断荧光染料选择是否合适。通常来说,光谱重叠越少越好。
继续选择,为所有抗原选择相应荧光染料。完成选择后,点击上方的Spectra Viewer,检查荧光染料选择结果。
如果未选到想要的流式荧光染料,只需单击“+ Add” 添加荧光染料。
想再查看荧光溢漏?单击激光下的 View Spectra 即可查看光谱。
还不满意现在方案?您可以单击 Edit panel 返回编辑, 或者可以单击页面底部返回到前面步骤中。在使用过程中,可以点击进度栏返回前面步骤中。
最后,轻松添加您的流式Panel到购物车中,方便下单。在Step 5中直接显示您所选的抗体价格;单击 “Add all to cart”,这里所选的抗体都将添加到购物车中。
流式荧光发射光时有不同的亮度(图 2)。在Panel Builder上选择荧光染料时,赛默飞建议:
想要了解更多染色指数信息?想要查看BD LSRII 流式细胞仪上的染色指数?请点击: 流式细胞术多色方案设计:基础知识
了解您的蛋白表达丰度,可以更好地确定相应流式荧光染料。非常明亮的流式荧光染料适用于低表达丰度的靶标, 较暗的荧光染料更适合高表达丰度的靶标, 赛默飞建议:
&赛默飞流式科学家 Natalie Oxford 分享了她的体会,尤其是在发表级流式配色上。
Any time you have markers that you know will be co-expressed on your cells of interest, make sure to space them out into separate channels.If you will need to use any adjacent channels, that's where you would put any markers that are mutually exclusive so that they'll still be easy to distinguish.
You'll also want to keep in mind the buffer that you're using to fix and permeabilize your cells, as we have several options.When you're looking at cytoplasmic targets, what the buffer is appropriate may not be the same as when you're looking at nuclear targets, because you want to make sure that you still have access to your antigens without over-fixing your epitopes.
A third tip I wanted to share with you is to always include a viability dye in your staining panel.This will help eliminate any false positives that are caused by dead cells or debris, because those can be sticky.You have a lot of options for choosing a viability dye, so you don't need to design your panel around them.You can build out the rest of your panel and optimize your core markers, and then fit in a viability dye in an empty channel.
As you're building out your basic panel and you want to incorporate some more antigens, make sure you're keeping the density of your antigen expression in mind.So if you have antigens with low or unknown expression, those would be ones that you want to assign to your brightest dyes, such as PE or APC.
A helpful trick when you want to exclude a lot of cell types at once without having to suck up multiple channels for that would be to use a dump channel.This is where you're placing all the antibodies that identify your cells that are not of interest into the same channel with the same fluorochrome, and then those can be easily gated out and all of the cells negative for the dump channel would be those that you use for your analysis going forward.
不得转售。Super Bright 聚合物染料是在Becton, Dickinson and Company的许可下销售。
Brilliant Violet和PE-CF染料为Becton, Dickinson and Company专有。
Cy™ 是Amersham Biosciences Corp的商标。Cy 染料为Amersham Biosciences Corp和Carnegie Mellon大学专有,并且依据 Amersham Biosciences Corp 的许可下进行生产和销售,仅用于研究和体外诊断用途。
Brilliant Violet™ 是 Becton, Dickinson and Company 或其附属公司的商标或注册商标,并在其许可下使用。由 Sirigen™ 提供支持。