Labware Definition Download Instructions

  1. Obtain a copy of the Biomek FX software version 2.0 or higher from Beckman Coulter, Inc.
  2. Download the E-Gel96 FX.imp file to your robot’s computer. This import file contains the deck layout and Labware definitions for four different methods.
    • E_Gel96 is used when pipetting with the multichannel head.
    • E_Gel96_Span8 is used when pipetting with the Span 8 head.
    • Note: It has been our experience that pipetting is more robust when using four probes at a time rather than eight. If you choose to use the E_Gel96_Span8 definition with 8 probes, fine-tuning may be necessary to accurately hit all 8 wells of the gel at a time.
    • E_Gel96Mother_DaughterBase is used when loading E-Gel 96 gels and electrophoresing directly on the robotic platform.
    • E_Gel96HolderBase is used when using E-Gel 96 holders rather than E-Gel 96 mother or daughter bases to hold the E-Gel 96 gels in place while pipetting robotically.
  3. Install the E-Gel 96 base definitions on your computer by importing the Labware as follows. Using the Biomek FX software version 2.0 or higher, choose Import/Export Utility available under the Tools menu.
  4. Select Open.
  5. Select the directory where the import file (.imp) is located and choose Open.
  6. Open the Labware folder by selecting the + next to the desired file on the Import File side.
  7. Drag and drop the desired setting(s) to the Current Workspace side of the Import/Export Utility.
    • Note: Dragging an entire folder will copy all of the settings in that folder. You can then choose to overwrite or not overwrite each individual setting.
  8. Repeat step 7 as necessary until all desired settings have been imported.
    • Note: Once you import the definitions, you may need to make minor modifications to account for slight variations among individual robots. Before you begin, please review the following recommendations:
    • Use an old gel or empty cassette to test the positioning of the probes.
    • You may need to modify the X-offset depending on how far you push the E-Gel 96 mother/daughter base or E-Gel 96 holder into the base brackets.
    • There may be variations on the Y-axis depending if the gel is pushed towards the top edge or the lower edge of the base.
    • If you use the multichannel definition, be sure to properly align the probes. If the probes are not aligned properly, for example if they crash a probe, you may have some problems dispensing to the plate consistently.
    • No matter where the E-Gel 96 mother/daughter base is placed on the deck, you cannot place Labware in the position in front or behind it.
    • You can access the position behind the E-Gel 96 holder with the 96-channel pod with P200 tips or the Span-8. You still cannot access positions in front of the E-Gel 96 holder.
  9. To use the E-Gel 96 definitions on the Biomek FX robot, simply drag and drop the desired base definition onto the worksurface of the Biomek FX in the Instrument Setup step.
  10. Choose the desired pipetting head and drag the appropriate E-Gel 96 definition to sit atop the appropriate base.

Note: When placing the E-Gel 96 bases on a Biomek Automated Labware Positioner (ALP), position the bases in the upper right corner of the ALP. This will allow the Biomek to reliably access the E-Gel 96 system.

A demonstration method, E-Gel Demo.bmt is provided here to demonstrate loading E-Gel 96 gels with the Span-8 and multichannel 96 pod on the Biomek FX Hybrid robot. To run this method, select Open in the File menu of the Biomek FX software version 2.0 or higher. The deck used for the demo is also provided as an import file, EGel96Deck.imp, which can be imported using the Import/Export Utility available under the Tools menu in the Biomek FX software. The E-Gel96 Deck.imp will appear in your workspace and be available as a deck selection in the Instrument Setup step. After selecting the method and the appropriate deck, you can view or run the method in the simulation mode.

View the Biomek FX robot loading E-Gel 96 gels

For questions regarding use of the Biomek FX robot, please contact the Beckman Coulter Call Center at 714-792-3474 or Invitrogen’s Technical Support at 1-800-955-6288 ext.2.

Biomek is a registered trademark of Beckman Coulter, Inc.


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