Power your research in kinase- and phosphatase-mediated signal transduction

Pro-Q Diamond technology uses a novel fluorophore that recognizes phosphate groups on proteins and peptides directly on gels, blots, or microarrays—without antibodies or radioactivity. Because phosphate groups are recognized directly, phosphorylation changes in whole proteomes can be seen at a glance, providing efficient screening for proteins involved in signal transduction. The versatility of Pro-Q Diamond technology has also been adapted for high-throughput phosphopeptide isolation, a tagging technique for liquid chromatography, and EZQ™ phosphoprotein and phosphopeptide quantitation assays. Power your research with Pro-Q Diamond technology, and get results faster than ever before.

  • Direct detection and isolation of phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides
  • No antibodies
  • No radioactivity
  • Compatible with mass spectrometry

Detect phosphoproteins in polyacrylamide gels and blots

Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein stains are ideal for analysis of phosphorylation of a single protein or an entire proteome. Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain can be used with both 1-D and 2-D gels and is fully compatible with mass spectrometry. In addition to the Pro-Q® Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain, some of our kits include SYPRO Ruby total-protein stain and PeppermintStick™ phosphoprotein molecular weight standards to serve as extra controls in your experiments. We also offer the Pro-Q Diamond Phosphoprotein Blot Stain Kit, suitable for detecting phosphoproteins on PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes.

A 2-D gel was stained first with Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein gel stain and subsequently with SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain. In this section of the gel, the computer-generated overlay of the two staining patterns reveals the phosphoproteins (magenta), and non-phosphorylated proteins (green). Where the signals overlap, the spots appear gray.

Detect phosphoproteins on microarrays

The Pro-Q Diamond phosphoprotein/phosphopeptide microarray stain directly detects phosphorylated proteins or peptides on microarrays—no antibodies or radioisotopes are required. You can use the stain to identify kinase targets on protein arrays, or make your own kinase identification array with peptide substrates. This product works optimally on microarrays with polyacrylamide gel surfaces.

Casein kinase assay on a kinase target peptide microarray using the Pro-Q Diamond Phosphopeptide/Phosphoprotein Microarray Stain Kit.

Quantitate phosphoproteins and phosphopeptides

With the EZQ Phosphoprotein and Phosphopeptide Quantitation Kit, you get easy and fast quantitation of up to 96 samples at a time. The innovative format of this assay assures accurate quantitation from just 1 mL of sample in the presence of detergents, reducing agents and urea buffers containing up to 1% of carrier ampholytes. These kits are ideal for measuring phosphatase and kinase activity and for monitoring relative phosphoprotein or phosphopeptide concentrations during chromatography or after IEF fractionation of protein samples.

Isolate phosphopeptides from solution using magnetic beads

The Captivate Microscale Phosphopeptide Isolation Kit provides a highly selective method for isolating phosphopeptides from complex solutions without using antibodies. The technology is ideal for the isolation of phosphorylated peptides prior to liquid chromatography and/or mass spectrometry separations. This streamlined method is suitable for single samples or high-throughput environments.

Selective quantitative isolation of phosphopeptides using the Captivate Microscale Phosphopeptide Isolation Kit. A standard mixture of nine peptides containing approximately 550 pmol of total phosphopeptide was incubated with 400 mg of Captivate ferrofluid phosphopeptide-binding reagent. The starting mixture, supernatant, and eluate were then analyzed by HPLC.

Pro-Q Diamond LC Phosphopeptide Detection Kit

Our Pro-Q Diamond LC Phosphopeptide Detection Kit selectively tags phosphopeptides with a fluorescent marker, providing a highly sensitive method for selective detection of phosphopeptides over non-phosphopeptides. At the same time, the phosphopeptide retention time is altered, allowing for easy identification and purification. The kit is ideal for the development of front-end HPLC phosphopeptide separations prior to mass spectrometry.

The Pro-Q Diamond LC phosphopeptide detection reagent binds to the phosphopeptides in a tryptic digest of β-casein, which are revealed using excitation at 550 nm during HPLC fractionation.
