Western blots provide the ability to detect specific protein expression levels from cells or tissues in a convenient format for rapid evaluation that can also be quantitative and offer unparalleled sensitivity. With a variety of detection techniques (chemiluminescence, fluorescence, or colorimetric) to choose from, you can select a technology to match your experimental requirements and the instruments you have available. Quick visualization or precise quantitation, single-probe or multiplexing. We offer a range of reagents and kits for western blot detection and subsequent analysis.

iBind™ Western System


The iBind™ Western System is an automated western processing device. It’s hands-free, reproducible, powerless and compatible with western protocols. 



Chemiluminescence is the most common method for detecting proteins on western or dot blot membranes. The enhanced chemiluminescent Novex® ECL substrate enables immunodetection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP)–conjugated secondary antibodies using film and X-ray developer or an imaging system. The ECL signal can be detected in as little as 2.5 hr and is stable for days. Longer exposures can help to increase sensitivity, and chemiluminescent blots can be stripped and reprobed.

WesternBreeze® Chemiluminescent Immunodetection Kits offer additional convenience and contain the enzyme-conjugated secondary antibody, blocking reagent, and staining dishes, in addition to the substrate and enhancer.

WesternBreeze® Chromogenic Kits


WesternBreeze® Chromogenic Kits yield high-sensitivity results with extremely low background without the need for any additional equipment—just watch the signal develop over a short period of time. The kit uses the chromogenic phosphatase substrate BCIP (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate) and electron-transfer agent NBT (nitro blue tetrazolium) to produce a dark blue precipitate at the precise site of enzymatic activity on the blot. The WesternBreeze® kit has been optimized to provide picogram sensitivity. Each kit includes ready-to-use or easy-to-dilute blockers, primary antibody diluent, wash solution, conjugated secondary antibody solution, substrate, and two convenient incubation trays.


Fluorescence Detection

 Fluorescence detection enables quantitative, multiplex analysis of western blots on your bench top - without the need for ECL optimization, film or a darkroom.  Long-wavelength reporters like WesternDot™ ® probe antibodies are detected on membranes with high sensitivity and minimal background signal or scatter.  Detect both strong and weak signals at the same time with a 4,000-fold linear dynamic range.  With an appropriate reader, you can multiplex up to three probes on the same blot – providing an extra level of precision and biological context for your measurements.

Which western blot detection technology is right for you?

Detection technology

 Means of detection

Gel imager

Multiplex imager

Novex® ECL  yes yes 

WesternBreeze® chemiluminescent kits

  yes yes 

WesternBreeze® chromogenic kits

 yes  yes 

WesternDot® fluorescent conjugates

