Product References
Ddb1 Is Essential for the Expansion of CD4+ Helper T Cells by Regulating Cell Cycle Progression and Cell Death.
Frontiers in immunology
Yang L,Chen W,Li L,Xiao Y,Fan S,Zhang Q,Xia T,Li M,Hong Y,Zhao T,Li Q,Liu WH,Xiao N
Published figure using IgD monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5993-82) in Flow Cytometry
Mon Dec 20 00:00:00 UTC 2021
T-B Lymphocyte Interactions Promote Type 1 Diabetes Independently of SLAM-Associated Protein.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Bonami RH,Nyhoff LE,McNitt DH,Hulbert C,Felton JL,Kendall PL,Thomas JW
11-5993-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to understand how fully developed T follicular helper cells contribute to different autoimmune processes, investigating the role of signaling lymphocytic activation molecule-associated protein in type 1 diabetes and autoantibody-mediated arthritis.
Tue Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2020
Blood-Borne ST6GAL1 Regulates Immunoglobulin Production in B Cells.
Frontiers in immunology
Irons EE,Punch PR,Lau JTY
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine the effect of extracellular ST6GAL1 in B cell immunoglobulin production.
Thu Mar 25 00:00:00 UTC 2021
Class-Switch Recombination Occurs Infrequently in Germinal Centers.
Roco JA,Mesin L,Binder SC,Nefzger C,Gonzalez-Figueroa P,Canete PF,Ellyard J,Shen Q,Robert PA,Cappello J,Vohra H,Zhang Y,Nowosad CR,Schiepers A,Corcoran LM,Toellner KM,Polo JM,Meyer-Hermann M,Victora GD,Vinuesa CG
11-5993-82 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Frozen) to understand the timing and location of class-switch recombination, the DNA recombination process that replaces the immunoglobulin constant region.
Tue Aug 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Class-Switch Recombination Occurs Infrequently in Germinal Centers.
Roco JA,Mesin L,Binder SC,Nefzger C,Gonzalez-Figueroa P,Canete PF,Ellyard J,Shen Q,Robert PA,Cappello J,Vohra H,Zhang Y,Nowosad CR,Schiepers A,Corcoran LM,Toellner KM,Polo JM,Meyer-Hermann M,Victora GD,Vinuesa CG
11-5993-82 was used in Immunohistochemistry (Frozen) to understand the timing and location of class-switch recombination, the DNA recombination process that replaces the immunoglobulin constant region.
Tue Aug 20 00:00:00 UTC 2019
c-Myb Exacerbates Atherosclerosis through Regulation of Protective IgM-Producing Antibody-Secreting Cells.
Cell reports
Shikatani EA,Besla R,Ensan S,Upadhye A,Khyzha N,Li A,Emoto T,Chiu F,Degousee N,Moreau JM,Perry HM,Thayaparan D,Cheng HS,Pacheco S,Smyth D,Noyan H,Zavitz CCJ,Bauer CMT,Hilgendorf I,Libby P,Swirski FK,Gommerman JL,Fish JE,Stampfli MR,Cybulsky MI,Rubin BB,Paige CJ,Bender TP,McNamara CA,Husain M,Robbins CS
11-5993-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to identify the nuclear transcription factor c-Myb as an important mediator of atherosclerotic disease in mice.
Tue May 21 00:00:00 UTC 2019
Human herpesvirus-encoded kinase induces B cell lymphomas in vivo.
The Journal of clinical investigation
Anders PM,Montgomery ND,Montgomery SA,Bhatt AP,Dittmer DP,Damania B
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to analyse the function of viral protein kinase in vivo.
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Differential cell-intrinsic regulations of germinal center B and T cells by miR-146a and miR-146b.
Nature communications
Cho S,Lee HM,Yu IS,Choi YS,Huang HY,Hashemifar SS,Lin LL,Chen MC,Afanasiev ND,Khan AA,Lin SW,Rudensky AY,Crotty S,Lu LF
Published figure using IgD monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5993-82) in Immunofluorescence
Mon Jul 16 00:00:00 UTC 2018
Systemic ST6Gal-1 Is a Pro-survival Factor for Murine Transitional B Cells.
Frontiers in immunology
Irons EE,Lau JTY
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the contributions of B cell intrinsic and extrinsic ST6Gal-1 to B cell development.
Fri Oct 25 00:00:00 UTC 2019
TLR4 signals in B lymphocytes are transduced via the B cell antigen receptor and SYK.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Schweighoffer E,Nys J,Vanes L,Smithers N,Tybulewicz VLJ
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate two distinct signalling pathways for TLR4, one via the BCR and the other through MYD88.
Mon May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2017
Antigen sampling by intestinal M cells is the principal pathway initiating mucosal IgA production to commensal enteric bacteria.
Mucosal immunology
Rios D,Wood MB,Li J,Chassaing B,Gewirtz AT,Williams IR
11-5993 was used in Immunofluorescence to demonstrate that M-cell-mediated sampling of commensal bacteria is a required initial step for efficient induction of intestinal SIgA.
Fri Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
Transcriptional regulation of the proto-oncogene Zfp521 by SPI1 (PU.1) and HOXC13.
Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)
Yu M,Al-Dallal S,Al-Haj L,Panjwani S,McCartney AS,Edwards SM,Manjunath P,Walker C,Awgulewitsch A,Hentges KE
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to study the regulatory factors controlling the mouse zinc-finger gene Zfp521; a B-cell proto-oncogene.
Sat Oct 01 00:00:00 UTC 2016
IgD attenuates the IgM-induced anergy response in transitional and mature B cells.
Nature communications
Sabouri Z,Perotti S,Spierings E,Humburg P,Yabas M,Bergmann H,Horikawa K,Roots C,Lambe S,Young C,Andrews TD,Field M,Enders A,Reed JH,Goodnow CC
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to define the RNA landscape of the in vivo anergy response, comprising 220 induced sequences including a core set of 97.
Thu Nov 10 00:00:00 UTC 2016
BAFF activation of the ERK5 MAP kinase pathway regulates B cell survival.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Jacque E,Schweighoffer E,Tybulewicz VL,Ley SC
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal a potentially critical role for the MEK5-ERK5 MAP kinase signalling pathway in BAFF-induced mature B cell survival and homeostatic maintenance of B2 cell numbers.
Mon Jun 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Mitochondrial ATP transporter Ant2 depletion impairs erythropoiesis and B lymphopoiesis.
Cell death and differentiation
Cho J,Seo J,Lim CH,Yang L,Shiratsuchi T,Lee MH,Chowdhury RR,Kasahara H,Kim JS,Oh SP,Lee YJ,Terada N
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate role of the ubiquitously expressed Ant2 gene in animal development.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Mitochondrial ATP transporter Ant2 depletion impairs erythropoiesis and B lymphopoiesis.
Cell death and differentiation
Cho J,Seo J,Lim CH,Yang L,Shiratsuchi T,Lee MH,Chowdhury RR,Kasahara H,Kim JS,Oh SP,Lee YJ,Terada N
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate role of the ubiquitously expressed Ant2 gene in animal development.
Tue Sep 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
Natural IgM is produced by CD5- plasma cells that occupy a distinct survival niche in bone marrow.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Reynolds AE,Kuraoka M,Kelsoe G
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the origin of natural IgM, showing that it is produced by CD5- plasma cells that occupy a distinct survival niche in bone marrow.
Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2015
BILL-cadherin/cadherin-17 contributes to the survival of memory B cells.
PloS one
Funakoshi S,Shimizu T,Numata O,Ato M,Melchers F,Ohnishi K
Published figure using IgD monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5993-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed Sep 16 00:00:00 UTC 2015
The mammalian tRNA ligase complex mediates splicing of XBP1 mRNA and controls antibody secretion in plasma cells.
The EMBO journal
Jurkin J,Henkel T,Nielsen AF,Minnich M,Popow J,Kaufmann T,Heindl K,Hoffmann T,Busslinger M,Martinez J
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the mammalian ligase required for cleavage of XBP1, showing that tRNA ligase complex mediates splicing of XBP1 mRNA.
Wed Dec 17 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Enhanced antibody responses to an HIV-1 membrane-proximal external region antigen in mice reconstituted with cultured lymphocytes.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Holl TM,Yang G,Kuraoka M,Verkoczy L,Alam SM,Moody MA,Haynes BF,Kelsoe G
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to assess B cell responses to the HIV-1 2F5 epitope in response to immunisation.
Tue Apr 01 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Conditional deletion of ferritin h in mice reduces B and T lymphocyte populations.
PloS one
Vanoaica L,Richman L,Jaworski M,Darshan D,Luther SA,Kühn LC
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the effect of ferritin H deletion on lymphocytes, showing that it reduces B and T lymphocyte populations.
Tue Jan 13 00:00:00 UTC 2015
HIV-1 Env-specific memory and germinal center B cells in C57BL/6 mice.
Soldemo M,Pedersen GK,Karlsson Hedestam GB
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to compare HIV-1 Env immunogenicity and memory in BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice.
Fri Sep 05 00:00:00 UTC 2014
Ectopic lymphoid tissue alters the chemokine gradient, increases lymphocyte retention and exacerbates murine ileitis.
McNamee EN,Masterson JC,Jedlicka P,Collins CB,Williams IR,Rivera-Nieves J
11-5993 was used in Immunofluorescence to study the contribution of the CCR7/CCL19/CCL21 chemokine axis during the development of tertiary lymphoid tissue and its role in disease.
Tue Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
The nuclear receptor LXRα controls the functional specialization of splenic macrophages.
Nature immunology
A-Gonzalez N,Guillen JA,Gallardo G,Diaz M,de la Rosa JV,Hernandez IH,Casanova-Acebes M,Lopez F,Tabraue C,Beceiro S,Hong C,Lara PC,Andujar M,Arai S,Miyazaki T,Li S,Corbi AL,Tontonoz P,Hidalgo A,Castrillo A
11-5993 was used in Immunofluorescence to investigate the mechanisms that control the heterogeneity of tissue macrophages.
Thu Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
MHC class II-dependent B cell APC function is required for induction of CNS autoimmunity independent of myelin-specific antibodies.
The Journal of experimental medicine
Molnarfi N,Schulze-Topphoff U,Weber MS,Patarroyo JC,Prod'homme T,Varrin-Doyer M,Shetty A,Linington C,Slavin AJ,Hidalgo J,Jenne DE,Wekerle H,Sobel RA,Bernard CC,Shlomchik MJ,Zamvil SS
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the contribution of B cells to antigen presentation and pathogenic T cell activation in the multiple sclerosis model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
Mon Dec 16 00:00:00 UTC 2013
MiR-210 is induced by Oct-2, regulates B cells, and inhibits autoantibody production.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Mok Y,Schwierzeck V,Thomas DC,Vigorito E,Rayner TF,Jarvis LB,Prosser HM,Bradley A,Withers DR,Mårtensson IL,Corcoran LM,Blenkiron C,Miska EA,Lyons PA,Smith KGC
11-5993 was used in Immunofluorescence to demonstrate a novel inhibitory mechanism for the control of B cells and autoantibody production.
Sun Sep 15 00:00:00 UTC 2013
Loss of an Igκ gene enhancer in mature B cells results in rapid gene silencing and partial reversible dedifferentiation.
Molecular and cellular biology
Zhou X,Xiang Y,Ding X,Garrard WT
Published figure using IgD monoclonal antibody (Product # 11-5993-82) in Flow Cytometry
Wed May 01 00:00:00 UTC 2013
IKKα-mediated signaling circuitry regulates early B lymphopoiesis during hematopoiesis.
Balkhi MY,Willette-Brown J,Zhu F,Chen Z,Liu S,Guttridge DC,Karin M,Hu Y
11-5993-82 was used in Flow Cytometry to demonstrate that IKKα regulates B-lineage commitment via combined canonical and noncanonical NF-κB transcriptional activities to target Pax5 expression during hematopoiesis.
Thu Jun 07 00:00:00 UTC 2012
Opposing signals from the Bcl6 transcription factor and the interleukin-2 receptor generate T helper 1 central and effector memory cells.
Pepper M,Pagán AJ,Igyártó BZ,Taylor JJ,Jenkins MK
11-5993 was used in Functional assays to study the generation of T helper 1 central and effector memory cells from opposing signals from the Bcl6 transcription factor and the interleukin-2 receptor.
Fri Oct 28 00:00:00 UTC 2011
High-affinity memory B cells induced by conjugate vaccines against weak tumor antigens are vulnerable to nonconjugated antigen.
Savelyeva N,Shipton M,Suchacki A,Babbage G,Stevenson FK
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to reveal a vulnerability in the immunity against weak tumour antigens conferred by conjugate vaccines.
Thu Jul 21 00:00:00 UTC 2011
IgM production by bone marrow plasmablasts contributes to long-term protection against intracellular bacterial infection.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Racine R,McLaughlin M,Jones DD,Wittmer ST,MacNamara KC,Woodland DL,Winslow GM
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to identify a cell population responsible for IgM production in the bone marrow that is maintained in the absence of chronic infection.
Sat Jan 15 00:00:00 UTC 2011
The inhibiting Fc receptor for IgG, FcγRIIB, is a modifier of autoimmune susceptibility.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Boross P,Arandhara VL,Martin-Ramirez J,Santiago-Raber ML,Carlucci F,Flierman R,van der Kaa J,Breukel C,Claassens JW,Camps M,Lubberts E,Salvatori D,Rastaldi MP,Ossendorp F,Daha MR,Cook HT,Izui S,Botto M,Verbeek JS
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to determine the specific contribution of FcγRIIB deficiency to the development of lupus in FcγRIIB(129)(-/-) mice.
Mon Aug 01 00:00:00 UTC 2011
HVCN1 modulates BCR signal strength via regulation of BCR-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species.
Nature immunology
Capasso M,Bhamrah MK,Henley T,Boyd RS,Langlais C,Cain K,Dinsdale D,Pulford K,Khan M,Musset B,Cherny VV,Morgan D,Gascoyne RD,Vigorito E,DeCoursey TE,MacLennan IC,Dyer MJ
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate how HVCN1 modulates BCR signal strength through regulation of BCR-dependent generation of reactive oxygen species.
Mon Mar 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Regulation of follicular B cell differentiation by the related E26 transformation-specific transcription factors PU.1, Spi-B, and Spi-C.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
DeKoter RP,Geadah M,Khoosal S,Xu LS,Thillainadesan G,Torchia J,Chin SS,Garrett-Sinha LA
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to demonstrate the role of the E26 transformation-specific transcription factors PU.1, Spi-B, and Spi-C in follicular B cell development.
Wed Dec 15 00:00:00 UTC 2010
CD11c+ dendritic cells and B cells contribute to the tumoricidal activity of anti-DR5 antibody therapy in established tumors.
Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950)
Haynes NM,Hawkins ED,Li M,McLaughlin NM,Hämmerling GJ,Schwendener R,Winoto A,Wensky A,Yagita H,Takeda K,Kershaw MH,Darcy PK,Smyth MJ
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms contributing to the antitumour activity of selective antagonism of death receptors 4 and 5, showing that CD11c+ dendritic cells and B cells contribute to the tumoricidal activity of anti-DR5 antibody therapy.
Thu Jul 01 00:00:00 UTC 2010
Stromal cell independent B cell development in vitro: generation and recovery of autoreactive clones.
Journal of immunological methods
Holl TM,Haynes BF,Kelsoe G
11-5993 was used in Flow cytometry/Cell sorting to describe a stromal cell independent culture system that efficiently supports pro-B cell to IgM+ B cell development with near normal levels of IgH and Igkappa diversity.
Wed Mar 31 00:00:00 UTC 2010