TEM metrology and defect analysis workflows for advanced logic devices

You can seamlessly integrate TEM metrology and defect analysis workflows into existing fab metrology and inspection solutions, providing access to high-resolution data on critical dimensions and buried defects.

TEM metrology

Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a highly automated and efficient TEM metrology workflow solution that includes sample preparation, imaging and metrology. This comprehensive solution meets the growing demand for accurate CD measurements and valuable process insights, providing a reliable “ground truth” reference for semiconductor manufacturing.



The Thermo Scientific Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam distinguishes itself through its diverse range of flexible workflows designed for creating high volume, ultra-thin TEM samples directly from wafers, simplifying data tracking and enhancing overall efficiency. Its wide range of flexible capabilities and low-kV ion beam performance ensure both the consistency and the quality of samples.

In situ TEM sample preparation using the Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam

TEM samples produced by the Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam can seamlessly transition to a fully automated TEM like the Thermo Scientific Metrios 6 (S)TEM for imaging and analysis. The instrument can automatically handle sample loading, alignment, sample and ROI localization, and it can deliver imaging and metrology analysis. The instrument features a five-axis, piezo-driven Smart Stage and a high-sensitivity, windowless EDS detection system, resulting in an average 20% increase in productivity compared to earlier-generation solutions. A machine learning-based metrology workflow ensures the data’s accuracy, consistency, and repeatability.

The Metrios 6 (S)TEM provides automated TEM imaging and metrology on gate-all-around structures

Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam

Designed to address the challenges of TEM sample preparation for the 5 nm technology node and beyond, the Thermo Scientific Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam is capable of precisely extracting lamella samples from the wafer for ultra-thin sample preparation, capturing buried defects and isolating pre-defined structures and regions of interest (ROI) for TEM analysis.

Metrios 6 (S)TEM

The Thermo Scientific Metrios 6 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope is a new-generation, fully automated metrology solution with enhanced productivity and data quality for high-volume TEM metrology. Featuring newly designed hardware and machine-learning-based capabilities, the Metrios 6 (S)TEM offers a 20% productivity improvement on average compared to previous-generation solutions.

Semiconductor defect analysis for advanced logic devices

Metrology proactively improves processes, while defect analysis refines recipes and yields insights. For example, the complex structures of gate-all-around transistors conceal defects beneath surfaces, posing a challenge to current fab inspection solutions. Three common defect types include surface/near-surface, buried physical, and electrical defects. Thermo Fisher Scientific provides efficient workflows for defect analysis, including sample preparation, delayering, imaging, and analysis to aid in rapid root cause determination.

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s defect analysis TEM workflow for advanced logic surface/near-surface defects

Surface and near-surface defects often necessitate investigation into their microstructural correlation with underlying layers. The Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam excels at automating cross-sectional milling and SEM imaging and analysis directly on wafer defect Klarf locations. This instrument also offers flexible workflows that enable rapid preparation of TEM samples for defect characterization. Additionally, the Thermo Scientific Talos F200E TEM’s efficiency and user-friendly nature have made it a trusted solution for defect TEM analysis for defect TEM analysis.

Thermo Fisher Scientific’s defect analysis TEM workflow for advanced logic buried physical defects

For buried physical defects, such as crystalline defects at epitaxial interfaces or hidden etch residues, the Helios 5 EXL Wafer DualBeam adeptly handles systematic TEM sample preparation at crucial locations, enabling the capture and analysis of buried physical defects in TEM imaging. Determination of the root cause of buried defects usually requires high-resolution TEM characterization using energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (XEDS) or electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The Thermo Scientific Spectra Ultra (S)TEM offers definitive insights into defect root causes, accelerating process development with its rapid high-tension switching technique and outstanding energy resolution.

High-resolution TEM imaging on stacking fault in SiGe epitaxial layer
High-throughput X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (XEDS) elemental mapping on SiGe recess etch using Ultra-X detector on the Spectra Ultra (S)TEM
Thermo Fisher Scientific’s defect analysis TEM workflows for advanced logic electrical defects

For electrical defects, removing BEOL metal layer-by-layer between inspections is crucial for successful TEM sampling. The Thermo Scientific Helios 5 PXL PFIB Wafer DualBeam enables wafer-level delayering before TEM sample preparation. This process uniformly removes the BEOL metal layer-by-layer using a Xe+ plasma FIB and an automated end-pointing technique. It allows for SEM imaging and analysis at a target layer to locate electrical defects. After delayering, the forementioned wafer-level TEM workflow can continue with sample preparation and TEM imaging and analysis.

Helios 5 PXL PFIB Wafer DualBeam

The Thermo Scientific Helios 5 PXL Wafer DualBeam is a plasma focused ion beam scanning electron microscope (PFIB-SEM) that features high-performance, in-line metrology, wafer-level delayering, and process monitoring to quickly provide critical insights for process development and manufacturing engineers.

Talos F200E TEM

The Thermo Scientific Talos F200E Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope combines outstanding high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscope and transmission electron microscope imaging with exceptional energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) signal detection and 3D characterization with compositional mapping.

Spectra Ultra (S)TEM

The Thermo Scientific Spectra Ultra Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope introduces advanced capabilities designed to overcome structural and material challenges, setting a new standard in advanced TEM analysis. Flexible, high-tension switching lets you quickly switch voltages for your specific needs. In addition, the high-performance Thermo Scientific Ultra-X Detector shortens elemental mapping time and makes it possible to analyze beam-sensitive structures.

Semiconductor TEM metrology and defect analysis white paper

Improving gate-all-around transistor technology processes and yields with TEM metrology workflows

In this document, we discuss the challenges in improving gate-all-around transistor technology and the limitations of existing metrology and inspection solutions. We highlight the benefits of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) workflows in providing high-resolution data for process improvements and yield learning. Innovations in sample preparation and analysis are also discussed, including the use of Thermo Scientific tools and automation technologies.

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