Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
At Thermo Fisher Scientific, we understand the importance of precise measurements, defect identification, and failure analysis in ensuring the success and reliability of these advanced technologies, including gate-all-around. With our expertise and advanced tools, we offer tailored solutions for the unique challenges faced by advanced semiconductor manufacturers. Whether you need to optimize manufacturing processes or overcome technical issues, our team is here to support you. Explore our optimized solutions and let us help drive innovation excellence in your manufacturing endeavors.
For metrology applications, we provide product solutions from TEM sample preparation to TEM imaging and analysis and TEM metrology. Learn more about our metrology workflow solutions for advanced logic transistor manufacturing.
We provide product solutions to solve advanced logic defect analysis challenges from TEM sample preparation, delayering, and TEM imaging and analysis. Learn more about our defect analysis workflows and discover our unique advantages on surface/near-surface defect analysis, buried physical defect analysis, and electrical defect analysis.
We have extensive expertise in delivering exceptional failure analysis solutions for advanced logic transistor manufacturing, including fault localization, sample preparation, and imaging and analysis. Learn more about our failure analysis workflows and discover our unique solutions for electrical failure analysis and physical failure analysis on advanced logic devices and gate-all-around backside power delivery.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.