Direct PCR is a convenient DNA amplification technique in which PCR is performed directly from samples without prior DNA extraction and purification. Direct PCR offers cost and time savings in applications such as plant and animal genotyping. We offer Thermo Scientific Phire and Phusion direct PCR products for fewer steps to your discovery. Explore our direct PCR master mixes and kits available based on sample types.

Thermo Scientific direct PCR solutions are based on engineered Thermo Scientific Phire and Phusion DNA polymerases, which allow highly robust amplification and tolerance to many PCR inhibitors present in unpurified samples. Both DNA polymerases are fused to a small DNA-binding protein, which helps achieve high tolerance to inhibitors, increased speed, and better yields.

Advantages of direct PCR

The direct PCR approach delivers convenience for DNA amplification by allowing PCR directly from samples without prior DNA purification. Savings in time and cost can be achieved in applications such as plant and animal genotyping. The key features of Thermo Scientific direct PCR enzymes include:

  • Optimized formats for animal and human tissues, plant materials, and blood samples
  • Direct protocol for quick sample-to-PCR workflow
  • Dilution and storage protocol for flexible sample handling
  • Sample storage in dilution buffer for up to four weeks before using in PCR
  • Simplified workflow which allows direct loading of PCR products on gels. The direct PCR master mixes are premixed with electrophoresis tracking dyes and a density reagent.
Composite of two workflow schematics stacked one over the other. Workflow A depicts direct protocol which workflow B depicts dilution and storage protocol
Figure 1. Direct and dilution protocols for a versatile and efficient workflow. (A) Direct protocol offers minimal hands-on time. (B) Dilution protocol offers workflow flexibility and optimization.

Video: How to perform PCR directly from an unpurified sample

Video: How to perform the direct vs dilution PCR protocols

Master mixes and kits based on sample types

Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix is designed for DNA amplification from animal and human tissues. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase and is specially formulated for performing PCR in the presence of various tissue-derived inhibitors such as collagen, melanin and eumelanin (hair, skin), or myoglobin (muscle). The master mix is supplied with Thermo Scientific DNARelease Additive, which helps improve the release of DNA from difficult tissues.

Gel with 12 sample lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 2. DNA fragments from different human and animal tissue samples were amplified with Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix. Mouse (1) tail, (2) ear, and (3) hair; bird (4) muscle and (5) feather; human (6) hair, (7) tooth, (8) nail, and (9) saliva; (10) zebrafish muscle; and (11) fruit fly. M: Thermo Scientific O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Positive control reaction, : No-template control

Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix is designed to directly amplify DNA from plant samples. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase and is specially formulated for performing PCR from samples with plant-derived inhibitors such as complex polysaccharides and polyphenols.

Composite of two gels stacked on each other. Each gel has multiple sample lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 3. Amplification of a 0.5 kb DNA fragment directly from leaves and seeds from different plants. A 0.5 mm punch of leaf (L) or a small piece of crushed seed (S) was placed directly into 50 μL of Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix. The same samples were amplified using a kit from Vendor K according to the supplier’s instructions. M: O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Control reaction with purified DNA, : No-template control

Application note:  Direct PCR from yeast cells
Reference sheet:  Plant samples tested

Phusion Blood Direct PCR Master Mix is designed for amplification of DNA from whole blood at blood concentrations of up to 40% in the PCR reaction. This is achieved with specially modified Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, which is tolerant to PCR inhibitors present in blood, as well as to most widely used blood preservatives (e.g., heparin, EDTA, citrate).

Gel with multiple lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 4. DNA was amplified from human and animal blood samples. Human blood preserved with (1) heparin, (2) citrate, (3) EDTA, or (4) stored on cards; (5) mouse; (6) cat; (7) dog; (8) cow; (9) bird; (10) sheep; (11) horse; and (12) fish. M: O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Control reaction with purified DNA, : No-template control

Reference sheet:  Blood samples tested

Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix is designed for DNA amplification from animal and human tissues. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase and is specially formulated for performing PCR in the presence of various tissue-derived inhibitors such as collagen, melanin and eumelanin (hair, skin), or myoglobin (muscle). The master mix is supplied with Thermo Scientific DNARelease Additive, which helps improve the release of DNA from difficult tissues.

Gel with 12 sample lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 2. DNA fragments from different human and animal tissue samples were amplified with Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix. Mouse (1) tail, (2) ear, and (3) hair; bird (4) muscle and (5) feather; human (6) hair, (7) tooth, (8) nail, and (9) saliva; (10) zebrafish muscle; and (11) fruit fly. M: Thermo Scientific O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Positive control reaction, : No-template control

Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix is designed to directly amplify DNA from plant samples. The master mix contains Phire Hot Start II DNA Polymerase and is specially formulated for performing PCR from samples with plant-derived inhibitors such as complex polysaccharides and polyphenols.

Composite of two gels stacked on each other. Each gel has multiple sample lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 3. Amplification of a 0.5 kb DNA fragment directly from leaves and seeds from different plants. A 0.5 mm punch of leaf (L) or a small piece of crushed seed (S) was placed directly into 50 μL of Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix. The same samples were amplified using a kit from Vendor K according to the supplier’s instructions. M: O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Control reaction with purified DNA, : No-template control

Application note:  Direct PCR from yeast cells
Reference sheet:  Plant samples tested

Phusion Blood Direct PCR Master Mix is designed for amplification of DNA from whole blood at blood concentrations of up to 40% in the PCR reaction. This is achieved with specially modified Phusion Hot Start II High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase, which is tolerant to PCR inhibitors present in blood, as well as to most widely used blood preservatives (e.g., heparin, EDTA, citrate).

Gel with multiple lanes flanked by DNA ladder on either side

Figure 4. DNA was amplified from human and animal blood samples. Human blood preserved with (1) heparin, (2) citrate, (3) EDTA, or (4) stored on cards; (5) mouse; (6) cat; (7) dog; (8) cow; (9) bird; (10) sheep; (11) horse; and (12) fish. M: O’GeneRuler Express DNA Ladder, +: Control reaction with purified DNA, : No-template control

Reference sheet:  Blood samples tested

Phire and Phusion Direct PCR Kits & Master Mix: Selection guide

Animal and human samples

6 tubes of reagents and one bottle of buffer placed on product package

Phire Tissue Direct PCR Master Mix
Order here
Five tubes of reagents and one bottle of buffer placed in front of product package

Phire Animal Tissue Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)
Order here
Five tubes of reagents placed in front of product box and two tubes of reagents, and two bottles of buffers placed on product box
Phusion Human Specimen Direct PCR Kit
Order here

 Plant samples

Three tubes of reagents placed in front of product box and three tubes of reagents, and one bottles of buffer placed on product box
Phire Plant Direct PCR Master Mix
Order here
Three tubes of reagents and one bottle of buffer placed in front of product package

Phire Plant Direct PCR Kit (without sampling tools)
Order here

Blood samples

Three tubes of reagents placed in front of product box and four tubes of reagents placed on product box
Phusion Blood Direct PCR Master Mix
Order here
Six tubes of reagents placed in front of product box

Phusion Blood Direct PCR Kit
Order here

Direct PCR resources

Stylesheet for Classic Wide Template adjustments

