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Stay informed on the latest scientific breakthroughs using electron microscopy. Check back often to find webinars of interest to your research and join in live or watch on-demand.
Join us in community hosted virtual webinars throughout the year on a variety of scientific topics.
Cryo-Electron Tomography (Cryo-ET) is not just a technique; it's a revolution, offering unprecedented insights into organelles and protein complexes at nanometer resolution in their physiological environments. This technology enables scientists to observe biological structures in their native state, revealing intricate details that were previously inaccessible. The implications for research and understanding mechanistic basis are vast for both basic research, drug discovery and disease. Thanks to ongoing advancements and streamlined workflows, the adoption of cryo-ET has become achievable across various life science disciplines.
Hear from Dr. Dorit Hanein from UC Santa Barbara in an exclusive webinar to explore the Cryo-ET workflow.
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In this webinar, Dr. Alex Snyder from Generate: Biomedicines will discuss:
Learn about the function of HSP90, a central component of signal transduction. With its binding partner CDC37, HSP90 plays a crucial role in activating the protein kinases involved in this signaling process. Using cryo-EM, Dr. Laurence Pearl has identified the structure of the oncogenic protein kinase client BRAFV600E bound to HSP90-CDC3. These studies are instrumental in discovering and developing new treatments for cancer and other diseases.
In this webinar, learn more about:
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Join us in virtual webinars throughout the year on the latest product advances.
A powerful new feature is boosting resolution at 200 kV
The Thermo Scientific Glacios 2 Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscope (cryo-TEM) is a high-throughput, high-resolution 200 kV platform that allows you to easily collect near-atomic data from a broad range of biological targets. This advanced microscope makes cryo-EM more accessible and is ideally suited for single-particle analysis, cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET), and micro-electron diffraction (MicroED) applications.
Listen to our virtual event to learn how combining the Glacios 2 Cryo-TEM with an optional low-energy-spread cold field emission gun (E-CFEG) boosts resolution to near atomic levels.
In this webinar, you will learn:
Join us in booth demonstrations of the latest innovations in electron microscopy for the life sciences or hear one of our sponsored talks.
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Single particle analysis is a cryo-EM technique that enables structural characterization at near-atomic resolutions, unraveling dynamic biological processes and the structure of biomolecular complexes/assemblies.
Cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) delivers both structural information about individual proteins and their spatial arrangements within the cell. Cryo-ET can bridge the gap between light microscopy and near-atomic-resolution techniques like single-particle analysis. Watch now to see how cryo-ET is opening literal windows into cells.
Micro electron diffraction (MicroED) is an exciting new technique with applications in the structural determination of small molecules and proteins. With this method, atomic details can be extracted from individual nanocrystals (<200 nm in size), even in a heterogeneous mixture. Learn how MicroED is transforming structural determination.
Integrative structural biology uses structural and functional information from various techniques, including mass spectrometry and cryo-EM, to arrive faster at a more complete picture of the protein and its function. See how integrating data helps you to understand structure-function relationships.
The Ask the Experts series focused on various electron microscopy topics. Every month we invite experts in the field to join us for an interactive discussion on electron microscopy applications and techniques. These sessions offer you the chance to stay connected to the latest science through conversations on unique topics.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.