
Profile and confirm with industry leading technology

Detecting the presence of synthetic forms of endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids (EAAS) in urine samples is routinely performed at major sporting or during a sporting season. Confirmation testing is performed if a sample is noted as a Suspicious Steroid Profile (SSP) or an Atypical Passport Finding (ATPF).

Thermo Fisher Scientific has supported steroid drug testing for more than a quarter century.

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Answer your most challenging sport testing applications with our high-performance GC-MS & GC-MS/MS systems.

To ensure athletes play true, our market leading solutions help you profile athletes and confirm steroid use with the precision and sensitivity expected.

Whether you require high throughput, highly sensitive quantitative performance or screening solutions to retrospectively answer tomorrow's doping questions, we have you covered.

Offering solid phase extraction (SPE), solid supported liquid extraction (SLE), micro extraction by packed sorbent (MEPS), and manifolds and dispensers you can use in the process. Don’t overlook the syringe filters, protein precipitation and protein digest products.

Support in and out of competition testing with solutions to screen large sets of compounds in a single methods while staying ahead of future banned substances.

Comprehensive screening of known and unknown performance enhancing substances is a critical part of maintaining sports true.

Endogenous anabolic androgenic steroids testing workflow

Sample preparation

Screening for misused anabolic steroids and it’s metabolites in athletes is critical to keep sports true. In order to make fair quantitation of endogenous vs exogenous steroid in athlete’s system, it is important to ensure all the samples are prepared consistently. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers comprehensive sample preparation solutions to screen steroids using sensitive analytical technologies such as mass spectrometry.

GC-MS workflows (non-peptidic):

Hydrolysis + Extraction + Derivatization

LC-MS workflows (peptidic & non-peptidic):

Hydrolysis + Extraction

We offer a variety of solutions to fit your laboratory workflow needs, including  the next generation SOLA solid phase extraction fritless  SPE , which provides higher levels of reproducibility and robustness compared to conventional options.  Learn more about the variety of options available, view our application handbook or try our selector guide.

Screen, quantify and profile

In 2005, the Anabolic Steroid Control Act was amended with the Controlled Substance Act that added anabolic steroids and prohormones (a precursor to a hormone) to the list of controlled substances and makes possession of the substances a federal crime. While illegal, athletes continue to use them.  Below is a comparative table of various techniques to test for presence:

Which mass spectrometer is right for you?

 TRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and ISQ 7610 Single Quadrupole GC-MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and ISQ 7610 Single Quadrupole GC-MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and TSQ 9610 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and TSQ 9610 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemVanquish™ Flex UHPLC system and TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometerVanquish™ Flex UHPLC system and TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer
Targeted Screening
Unknown Profiling & Retrospective Screening
Typical WADA classes: S1, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
Typical WADA classes: SO, S2, S4.5, S9, P1, P2
WADA Technical DocumentTD2016 EEASTD2016 EEAS
Sample throughputLow to mediumLow to mediumHigh
Sample prepModerateModerateMinimal
Dynamic range7 logs7 logs≤ 6 logs
Secondary confirmation
Confirm your results with a single analysis
Confirm your results with a single analysis

The misuse of endogenous anabolic steroids can be detected by measuring the ∂13C values of the steroid itself or its metabolites which show depleted isotopic composition while the endogenous reference compounds are not affected. Samples showing suspicious steroid profile parameters are isotopically characterized in order to prove the origin of urinary steroids.

Sample preparation

Screening for misused anabolic steroids and it’s metabolites in athletes is critical to keep sports true. In order to make fair quantitation of endogenous vs exogenous steroid in athlete’s system, it is important to ensure all the samples are prepared consistently. Thermo Fisher Scientific offers comprehensive sample preparation solutions to screen steroids using sensitive analytical technologies such as mass spectrometry.

GC-MS workflows (non-peptidic):

Hydrolysis + Extraction + Derivatization

LC-MS workflows (peptidic & non-peptidic):

Hydrolysis + Extraction

We offer a variety of solutions to fit your laboratory workflow needs, including  the next generation SOLA solid phase extraction fritless  SPE , which provides higher levels of reproducibility and robustness compared to conventional options.  Learn more about the variety of options available, view our application handbook or try our selector guide.

Screen, quantify and profile

In 2005, the Anabolic Steroid Control Act was amended with the Controlled Substance Act that added anabolic steroids and prohormones (a precursor to a hormone) to the list of controlled substances and makes possession of the substances a federal crime. While illegal, athletes continue to use them.  Below is a comparative table of various techniques to test for presence:

Which mass spectrometer is right for you?

 TRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and ISQ 7610 Single Quadrupole GC-MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and ISQ 7610 Single Quadrupole GC-MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and TSQ 9610 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemTRACE 1610 Gas Chromatograph and TSQ 9610 Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS SystemVanquish™ Flex UHPLC system and TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometerVanquish™ Flex UHPLC system and TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer
Targeted Screening
Unknown Profiling & Retrospective Screening
Typical WADA classes: S1, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8
Typical WADA classes: SO, S2, S4.5, S9, P1, P2
WADA Technical DocumentTD2016 EEASTD2016 EEAS
Sample throughputLow to mediumLow to mediumHigh
Sample prepModerateModerateMinimal
Dynamic range7 logs7 logs≤ 6 logs
Secondary confirmation
Confirm your results with a single analysis
Confirm your results with a single analysis

The misuse of endogenous anabolic steroids can be detected by measuring the ∂13C values of the steroid itself or its metabolites which show depleted isotopic composition while the endogenous reference compounds are not affected. Samples showing suspicious steroid profile parameters are isotopically characterized in order to prove the origin of urinary steroids.


Clinical Research and Forensics Handbook