Mass spectrometry (MS), the most unbiased technique for single-cell proteomics, facilitates the identification and quantification of thousands of proteins, proteoforms, and post-translational modifications (PTMs) in individual cells.

A successful single-cell proteomics workflow hinges on throughput, quantitation, sensitivity, and coverage. In collaboration with the scientific community, Thermo Fisher Scientific innovates solutions that enable comprehensive single-cell proteomics analysis, revealing the full spectrum of cellular diversity. Our recent advancement, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer, provides the necessary sensitivity and throughput to analyze hundreds of cells per day from various cell populations, types, and states on an individual basis, which generates maximal insights into cell heterogeneity and rare cell types.

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometers are at the forefront of mass spectrometry technology, capable of accurately identifying and quantifying thousands of proteins with over five orders of linear dynamic range and tight coefficients of variation, even at the single-cell level. These instruments are highly sensitive, enabling precise detection of protein differences across individual cells and offering valuable insights into their biological states.

Learn how the Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer opens a new horizon for single-cell proteomics by empowering higher throughput and deeper coverage without sacrificing quantitative accuracy and precision.

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap mass spectrometers provide the throughput needed to deliver more proteins per cell, >100s of cells per day from cell populations, cell types and states, on a cell-to-cell basis, generating maximum insights that assess cell heterogeneity and rare cell types


Thermo Scientific Single-Cell Proteomics Platform

Thermo Scientific Single-Cell Proteomics Platform meets the pillars of successful single-cell proteomics technology.

Thermo Scientific Single-Cell Proteomics Platform - Accurate and precise quantitation,  deep proteome coverage and data completeness, high throughput

What do you get from Thermo Scientific Single-Cell Proteomics Platform.

Accurate and precise quantitation

  • Determination of the correct protein abundance in a cell
  • Confidant and accurate quantitation of low-abundance proteins
  • Reduced number of measurements needed to draw conclusions

High confidence with deep proteome coverage and data completeness

  • 100s-1000s of proteins from a single cell
  • Wide dynamic range to discover differentially expressed low-abundance proteins of biological significance
  • Orbitrap based DIA single-cell proteomics workflow provides >99% data completeness
  • TMT single-cell proteomics workflow is ideal for mapping small protein changes from low-level signals

High throughput for large number of cells to observe biological insight

  • Provides statistical power to infer biological patterns

Robust platform and method

  • Easy day-to-day platform operation for analyses of thousands of cells
  • Automated sample prep for DIA and TMT single-cell proteomics workflows

High throughput DIA single-cell proteomics workflow for maximum proteome coverage

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap based DIA single-cell proteomics workflows provide sensitivity, quantitative accuracy and precision, in combination with high proteome coverage and data completeness, for high-confidence, high-throughput characterization of individual cells. The workflow requires minimum sample preparation and provides an unbiased approach for identifying diverse proteins from phenotypically distinct cells extracted from complex samples. Also, this workflow is better suited for characterizing proteomes from rare cells.

Complete DIA single-cell proteomics workflow

This setup facilitates cell isolation, imaging, and protein preparation for mass spectrometry analysis using cellenONE. Additionally, it displays the LC-MS configuration and the software needed for data analysis.

Complete DIA single-cell proteomics workflow

Simple and accessible benchtop solution for labs of any size

This setup allows for cell isolation with the Uno Single Cell Dispenser, although it does not support imaging of the isolated cells. It facilitates cell isolation, imaging, and protein preparation for mass spectrometry analysis, including TMT labeling.


Simple and accessible benchtop solution for labs of any size

Deep coverage for limited sample and single cells at faster throughput

Hela Dilution experiments. 50 pg to 5 ng injected on column and analyzed by Orbitrap Astral MS by either 72 SPD or 50 SPD methods. 

Methods for throughput

Methods for maximizing identification

Single HeLa cells analyzed by Orbitrap Astral MS 72 SPD method

Erwin Schoof, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Section for Protein Science and Biotherapeutics, Cell Diversity Lab, Technical University of Denmark
"With the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer, we were able to double the throughput for single cells, while also increasing the number of proteins per cell by 50%. This means we start picking up key cellular decision making proteins like transcription factors, epigenetic regulators and kinases to better understand the biological heterogeneity of single cells."

— Erwin Schoof, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Section for Protein Science and Biotherapeutics, Cell Diversity Lab, Technical University of Denmark
Jesper Olsen, Deputy Center Director, Professor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen

"With the Orbitrap Astral mass spectrometer we're pushing boundaries with a nearly lossless label free method. Our workflow reveals >5000 proteins and ~40,000 peptides per HeLa cell, setting new standards in SCP! The great depth enabled direct detection of PTMs in single cells, eliminating the need for prior enrichment. We've uncovered extensive phosphorylation and glycosylation in single-cell samples."
— Jesper Olsen,  Deputy Center Director, Professor, Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen

Higher throughput TMT multiplexing single-cell proteomics workflow for high quantitative precision and accuracy

Thermo Scientific TMT multiplexing provides the highest throughput of any single-cell proteomics workflow along with high quantitative precision and accuracy. Additionally, the use of TMT multiplexing enables the use of any Orbitrap based mass spectrometer for single-cell proteomics by boosting the signal of the peptides for detection and sequencing by mass spectrometry.

Complete TMT single-cell proteomics workflow

This configuration with cellenONE for sample preparation, enables cell isolation, imaging and preparation of proteins, including TMT labeling for mass spectrometry analysis. LC-MS configuration and software for data analysis are also shown.

Complete TMT single-cell proteomics workflow

Simple and accessible benchtop solution for labs of any size

This setup allows for cell isolation with the Uno Single Cell Dispenser, although it does not support imaging of the isolated cells. It also facilitates the preparation of proteins for mass spectrometry analysis. Additionally, it displays the LC-MS configuration and the software needed for data analysis.

Simple and accessible benchtop solution for labs of any size

Single cell throughput using TMT multiplexing

Thermo Scientific TMT multiplexing provides the highest throughput of any single-cell proteomics workflow along with high quantitative precision and accuracy



"Thanks to Orbitrap MS and TMTpro technology, we can in principle multiplex 18 single cells at the same time. With advanced chromatography, this enables the possibility of running multiple 10,000-cell projects per instrument, per year, leading to real impactful biological insights across life science research."

— Erwin Schoof, Associate Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Section for Protein Science and Biotherapeutics, Cell Diversity Lab, Technical University of Denmark

Sample preparation optimized for single-cell proteomics

Manual sample preparation is not feasible for single-cell proteomics due to limited starting material and the shear number of cells to be analyzed. Automation addresses many of the short comings of single cell sample preparation. From cell sorting and isolation to preparation of proteins for mass spectrometry.

cellenONE® platform

For single cell sorting, isolation, nanoliter dispensing and sample preparation for MS

cellenONE® platform combines high accuracy single cell isolation and precision nanoliter reagent dispensing, allowing for miniaturization of single cell proteomics protocols and enabling automated sample preparation for label-free and TMT multiplexing experiments.

  • Single-cell sorting, visualization and dispensing
  • Any cell type
  • Protein digestion for DIA based single-cell proteomics
  • Protein digestion and labeling for TMT based single-cell proteomics
For single cell dispensing

For single cell dispensing

The Uno Single Cell Dispenser is an automated benchtop instrument designed for ease of use, efficiency, and precision in single-cell workflows. Allows sample preparation for both label-free and TMT based single-cell experiments.

  • Single cell isolation and dispensing
  • Wide range of cells
  • Protein digestion for DIA based single-cell proteomics
  • Protein digestion and labeling for TMT based single-cell proteomics

Mass Spectrometers for single-cell proteomics

With the Orbitrap mass spectrometer at the heart of the single-cell proteomics workflow, we can obtain a wealth of information inside every cell.

Research level single-cell proteomics system for accurate and precise quantitation

TMT multiplexing workflow provides the highest throughput for single-cell proteomics. The SPS MS3 method on the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend MultiOmics Tribrid Mass Spectrometer provides the highest accuracy and precision for TMT-based quantitation throughout wide concentration range. The real-time search acquisition strategy on this platform improves the ratio accuracy for TMT reporter ions, boosts sensitivity and increases total quantified peptides. The Orbitrap Ascend Tribrid MS is also excellent for single-cell proteomics DIA workflow for those researchers want that capability as well.

Learn more ›

Entry level single-cell proteomics system

The single-cell proteomics DIA workflow on the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer offers research laboratories accurate and precise quantitation, with deep proteome coverage and data completeness. For laboratories wanting to perform TMT based single-cell proteomics workflow, the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS is versatile enough to handle that as well. The TurboTMT intelligent acquisition available on the mass spectrometer speeds up spectral acquisition for TMT 18plex experiments, thereby providing the same throughput for single-cell proteomics experiments that Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Hybrid mass spectrometers provide.

Learn more ›

 Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer
Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Ascend MultiOmics Tribrid Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 480 Mass Spectrometer
Ideal WorkflowsDIA Single-cell proteomics
TMT Single-cell proteomics
DIA Single-cell proteomics
TMT Single-cell proteomics
DIA Single-cell proteomics
Ideal Study>1000 cells study with TMT
<1000 cells study with DIA
>1000 cells study with TMT
<500 cells study with DIA
<500 cells study with DIA
DIA Single-cell proteomics Throughput100 cells/day100 cells/day100 cells/day
TMT Single-cell proteomics Throughput500 cells/day200 cells/day200 cells/day
DIA Single-cell proteomics Quantitative Accuracy
TMT Single-cell proteomics Quantitative Accuracy
DIA Single-cell proteomics Quantitative Precision
TMT Single-cell proteomics Quantitative Precision
DIA Single-cell proteomics Proteome Coverage
TMT Single-cell proteomics Proteome Coverage
Single-Cell sensitivity
= Good = Better = Best


Separations optimized for single-cell proteomics

Every cell counts and separations of peptides are crucial in single-cell proteomics. We’ve taken steps to optimize HPLC, column chemistries and differential ion mobility devices to enable studies that require in depth analysis to short high throughout applications.

Reagents for single-cell proteomics

The Thermo Scientific Tandem Mass Tag (TMT) reagents are designed to increase the level of cell multiplexing. Currently, the TMT enabled workflow provides the highest throughput for single-cell proteomics experiments.

Data analysis for single-cell proteomics

Optimized for data generated from single-cell proteomics regardless of the workflow undertaken (TMT or DIA).

Listen to some of the leaders in the field of integrative structural biology discuss how integrative structural biology is making a difference in their work.

Antigenic T-cell Response Profiling in COVID-19 Using Single-Cell Proteomics and Transcriptomics

Benedikt Kessler, University of Oxford

View the Antigenic T-cell Response Profiling in COVID-19, employing both single-cell proteomics and transcriptomics in NP-specific T-cells from acute SARS-CoV-2 patients.

View webinar ›

Single-cell multi-omics: Next steps

Bogdan Budnik, Wyss Institute at Harvard University

Dr. Budnik will present an LC-MS workflow that allows researchers to perform proteomic and metabolomic analysis on the same type of chromatography simultaneously in parallel. Additionally, transcriptomic and genomic analysis can be added as extra options to get a “multi-omic analysis of the single cell” that captures the full biological state of the cell based on all critical components of cellular expression.

View webinar 

One Cell at a Time: Single Cell Proteomics Becomes a Reality

Ryan Kelly, Brigham Young University

This webinar will describe: nanoPOTS, a new sample processing platform to maximize sample recovery; miniaturization of LC separations; and latest-generation of MS instrumentation to provide the required sensitivity and throughput for effective analysis of trace samples.

View webinar ›

Using Single-Cell Proteomics and Transcriptomics to Understand Gene Regulation

Nikolai Slavov, Northeastern University

Learn about a new method for single-cell proteomics for increased accuracy and throughput while lowering cost time for the analysis of cellular heterogeneity in homogeneous monocytes.

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Pushing the limits of multiplexed single-cell proteomics

David Perlman, Biopharma Consultant

This webcast will cover a roadmap for single-cell proteomics parameter optimization for human immune cell profiling using the tandem mass tag (TMT) multiplexed SCoPE-MS methodology.

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New development in mass spectrometry-based single-cell proteomics

Karl Mechtler, IMP, Vienna BioCenter

This webinar will present the use of a single-cell proteomics sample preparation device, coupled to mass spectrometer to increase sensitivity and throughput.

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Enhancing limited sample- and single-cell proteomics through tailored Data-Independent Acquisition and micropillar array-based chromatography

Pedro Aragón Fernández, Technical University of Denmark

This webinar will highlight limited sample- and single-cell proteomics through tailored DIA and micropillar array-based chromatography.

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