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Thermo Fisher Scientific offers you the opportunity to visit our Customer Experience Centers (CEC) where you can get hands-on experience with our single-use technology solutions designed for productivity, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability. See first-hand exactly how Thermo Fisher products can fit into your workflow, and talk with our specialists on how to best help equip your lab to achieve your goals. This is your time to learn, play, and make investment decisions confidently.
Demo our latest single-use bioprocessing technologies and talk tech with industry specialists to help you confidently choose from the latest innovative single-use technology solutions.
The Logan, Utah Customer Experience Center enables you to experience the complete capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific Single-Use Technologies. The CEC also offers full-scale proof-of-concept testing, process development, and optimization demonstrations.
Products currently on display are subject to change.
As a trusted partner, we are committed to supporting your journey toward innovative biotech solutions.
For research use or further manufacturing. Not for diagnostic use or direct administration into humans or animals.