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The APR motor neuron of a larval moth, Manduca sexta, labeled by the intracellular injection of Alexa Fluor® 488 hydrazide, sodium salt (Cat. No. A10436, A10440). This pseudocolored image was created by combining 21 optical sections obtained using a confocal laser-scanning microscope equipped with a bandpass filter appropriate for fluorescein. The image was contributed by Jack Gray and Walter Metcalfe, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon.
Dual-emission ratiometric measurement of lysosomal pH using LysoSensor™ Yellow/Blue dextran. Go ›
Rhizoid cells from the marine alga Fucus serratus were pressure-microinjected with 10,000 MW Calcium Green™-1 dextran and 10,000 MW Texas Red® dextran. Go ›
Live cell imaging with CellLight™ reagents. Go ›
Live cells transduced with Organelle Lights™ or Cellular Lights™ reagents. Go ›
CD45.2 Antibody (63045482) in RE Go ›
CD34 Antibody (63034942) in RE Go ›
Developing Drosophila embryo Go ›
Cytoskeleton of a mixed population of granule neurons and glial cells Go ›
Mouse Anti-Alpha Tubulin Monoclonal Antibody (Cat. No. A11126) Go ›
Muntjac fibroblast labeled with probes for actin and the nucleus. Go ›