This page provides access to the following molecular microbiology software downloads:

The Thermo Scientific™ RapidFinder™ Analysis Software is an integral part of the Applied Biosystems™ QuantStudio™ 5 Food Safety Real-Time PCR System, offering easy-to-use access to the SureTect™, SureCount and RapidFinder™ PCR Assays, including the validated workflows.

Install or upgrade to RapidFinderTM Analysis Software (RFA) and associated Assay Files:

RapidFinder Analysis Software

RapidFinder Analysis Software (RFA)


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Assay File downloads for RapidFinder Analysis Software (RFA) v3.0

Download all Assay Files for RFA v3.0 (Zip file)

Download individual files below:

Assay files


Download Link

Product description

Product Code

Cronobacter spp-ST-A56845

2.2Download IconSureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR AssayA56845

E. coli O157H7-ST-A56844

2.1Download IconSureTect™ Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR AssayA56844

L. monocytogenes-ST-A56843

2.1Download IconSureTect™ Listeria monocytogenes PCR AssayA56843

Listeria spp-ST-A56842

2.1Download IconSureTect™ Listeria Species PCR AssayA56842
S. Infantis-ST-A56450-QS51.0Download IconSureTect™ Salmonella Infantis PCR AssayA56450


2.2Download IconSureTect™ Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR KitA56846


1.1Download IconSureTect™ Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex Flex PCR KitA56847

Salmonella spp-ST-A56841

2.2Download IconSureTect™ Salmonella Species PCR AssayA56841

E. coli-STEC-Screen-ST-A56838

1.2Download IconSureTect™ Escherichia coli O157:H7 and STEC Screening PCR AssayA56838

E. coli-STEC-ID-ST-A56840

1.2Download IconSureTect™ Escherichia coli STEC Identification PCR AssayA56840


1.1Download IconSureTect™ Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and C. lari PCR AssayA56835


1.1Download IconSureTect ™ Vibrio cholerae, V parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus PCR AssayA56837

S. aureus-ST-A56839

1.1Download IconSureTect™ Staphylococcus aureus PCR AssayA56839


1.1Download IconSureCount™ Salmonella Species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR KitA56848


1.1Download IconSureCount™ Salmonella Species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR KitA56848


1.1Download IconSureCount™ Salmonella Species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR KitA56848
Brettanomyces-S-cerevisiae-ST-A592891.0Download IconSureTect™ Brettanomyces spp. and S. cerevisiae Multiplex PCR Assay A59289

The Thermo Scientific™ RapidFinder™ Express software is used with the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 FAST Food Safety Real-Time PCR System, offering easy-to-use access to the SureTect™ and RapidFinder™ PCR assays, including the validated workflows.

Install RapidFinder™ Express Software (RFE) and associated Assay Files:

RapidFinder Express Software

RapidFinder Express Software (RFE)


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Assay File downloads for RapidFinder Express Software (RFE) v2.0

Download all Assay Files for RFE v2.0 (Zip file)

Download individual files below:

Assay Files


Download link

Product description

Product code

Cronobacter Species SureTect3.0SureTect™ Cronobacter species PCR assayA56845
E. coli O157:H7 SureTect3.0SureTect™ Escherichia coli O157:H7 PCR Assay A56844
Listeria monocytogenes SureTect3.0SureTect™ Listeria monocytogenes PCR AssayA56843
Listeria Species SureTect3.0SureTect™ Listeria Species PCR Assay A56842
S.Infantis_SureTect_7500_1.01.0SureTect™ Salmonella infantis PCR AssayA56450
Salmonella Species SureTect2.0SureTect™ Salmonella Species PCR AssayA56841

SureTect™ Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex PCR Kit  


SureTect™ Salmonella species, Typhimurium and Enteritidis Multiplex Flex Kit




Campylobacter Multiplex SureTect1.0SureTect™ Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli and C. lari PCR Assay A56835
Vibrio Multiplex SureTect1.0SureTect ™ Vibrio cholerae, V parahaemolyticus and V. vulnificus PCR AssayA56837
S.aureus SureTect1.0SureTect™ Staphylococcus aureus PCR Assay A56839

The RapidFinder Express Software Kit Files can be installed by importing them into the RapidFinder Express Software by following these steps:

  1. Download the ZIP file for the desired pathogen assay and save it to a folder on your hard drive.
  2. Extract the pathogen assay ZIP file. You will see the three corresponding files with EDT, INI, and CSV file extensions in your folder. NOTE: Do not edit any of these files. Any changes will make them invalid.
  3. In the Main screen of RapidFinder Express Software v2.0, select ‘Manage System Settings’.
  4. In the Targets pane of the System Settings screen, click Browse. Select the INI file from the folder where you extracted the pathogen assay files.
  5. Open the INI file by double-clicking, then click Import.
  6. In the Targets pane of the System Settings screen, confirm that the assay module was added to the list of assays.
  7. Click Save and Close. The newly imported assay is now ready for use.

SureTect™ Automation Software

The SureTect Automation Software is used in combination with the Rapid Finder Analysis Software, offering easy-to-use access to the SureTect™ and RapidFinder™ PCR assays, including the validated workflows.

SureTect Automation Workflow

SureTect Automation Software


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Refer to the appropriate Thermo Scientific SureTect or Thermo Scientific RapidFinder PCR Assay instructions for use (IFU) for full details. IFUs can be found by visiting and entering the Assay order code into the search window.

To find our more about the Thermo Scientific SureTect PCR System visit