Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a 14 kDa proinflammatory protein that has been shown to play a role in the activation of neutrophils, dendritic cells, and macrophages, and is essential to the development and survival of NK cells and CD8 T-cells. IL-15 activates Jak/Stat pathways by signaling through a heterotrimeric receptor. Two of the subunits of this receptor, beta and gamma, are shared with the IL-2 receptor, while the alpha subunit is unique to IL-15.Despite the expression of IL-15 mRNA in many cell types, the secreted protein is rarely detectable in biological samples. Recent research suggests that IL-15 is retained inside the cell and is only secreted in complex with its unique receptor, IL-15R alpha. This chaperoning is required from the ER to Golgi through to secretion. The cytokine/receptor complex may stay bound to the cell surface, where it can be trans-presented to cells expressing the beta/gamma subunits of the receptor, or may be secreted in a soluble form that lacks the transmembrane domain of the receptor. The soluble IL-15/IL-15R complex is produced by mouse dendritic cells, fibroblasts, and macrophages, and demonstrates a 10-100-fold increase in agonistic activity over IL-15 alone.
AA690181; AI503618; CD215; Il15; IL-15; IL-15 receptor subunit alpha; Il15ra; IL-15RA; IL-15R-alpha; ILN; Interleukin; interleukin 15; interleukin 15 receptor, alpha chain; interleukin-15; Interleukin-15 receptor subunit alpha; sIL-15 receptor subunit alpha; Soluble interleukin-15 receptor subunit alpha