Cryo-FIB and Plasma FIB resources

We’ve developed a comprehensive suite of resources that encapsulate our expertise in focused ion beam technology. Learn more about cryo-FIB milling and how this technology can be used to unlock structural insights.

Cryo-FIB videos

Cryo-FIB datasheets and application notes

Learn how cryo-FIBs can be used to thin protein microcrystals for MicroED.

Discover capabilities of the Hydra Bio Plasma-FIB for sample compatibility.

See how the iFLM Correlative System is extending cryo-FIB capabilities.

Learn more about cryo-electron tomography and how it is revolutionizing cell biology.

Explore our portfolio of cryo-FIB solutions for cryo-electron tomography and volume electron microscopy.

Electron Microscopy Resource Center

The Electron Microscopy Resource Center is your portal to electron microscopy news, content, and events. Stay connected with the latest discoveries, learning materials, and resources to propel your electron microscopy breakthroughs.

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Find more cryo-electron tomography resources

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.