
Reliably detect environmental contaminants
in food

Thermo Fisher Scientific has a strong commitment to supporting laboratories charged with the task of researching and monitoring environmental pollutants. Our commitment ensures high productivity, added value solutions for some of the most challenging environmental pollutant determinations.

To reinforce our commitment, we have established a Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Center of Excellence; staffed with experts in POPs analysis, to be used as a direct resource for our customers and associates. Located in Bremen, Germany the center will look to support our customers and associates internationally.

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A novel high resolution accurate mass Orbitrap-based GC-MS platform for routine analysis of Short Chained Chlorinated Paraffins

Short Chained Chlorinated Paraffins (SCCPs) are emerging contaminants that, once released, will remain in the environment for long periods of time with the potential to bioaccumulate in living organisms. In this study, the performance of a novel bench top, high resolution accurate mass Orbitrap-based GC-MS was tested for the analysis of SCCPs.

Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Honey by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MS

Honey is a natural product that is widely used for both nutritional and medicinal purposes. It is generally considered a natural and healthy product of animal origin; free of impurities.
This customer application note describes the determination of pesticides and POPs in organic honey from in three different Italian regions, using GC-MS/MS with accelerated solvent extraction.

Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Center of Excellence

Discover how effective screening can be utilized in the POPs workflow to allow more time and instrument resources to focus on non-compliant samples. The POPs Center of Excellence serves as a customer reference for resources as well as a partner to laboratories working to improve POPs analysis.

For more information:

Determination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Fish Tissues by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MS

An analytical method was developed and applied to evaluate POP residues in tuna samples from different FAO areas. The method proved to be simple and rapid, requiring small sample sizes and minimizing solvent consumption, due to use of accelerated solvent extraction with an in-line clean up step.

Learn about the origins of gas chromatography, its coupling with mass spectrometry and some of the luminaries involved when you watch this entertaining and educational video.  

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Resource Number
Application NotebookPOPs Industry Resource GuideMass SpectrometryAI72746
Application NotePOPs in Food CompendiumMass SpectrometryAB72321
Application NotebookAccelerated Solvent Extraction Environmental Applications Summary Notebook: Pesticides, Chlorinated Compounds, POPsSample PreparationAI70318
Application NoteSelective Extraction of PCBs from Fish Tissue using Accelerated Solvent ExtractionSample PreparationAN322
Application NoteAnalysis of 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil Using the QuEChERS MethodSample PreparationAN20677
Application NoteDetermination of Total Inorganic Arsenic in Fruit Juice Using High-Pressure Capillary Ion ChromatographyChromatographyTN145
Application NoteFood Safety Applications Notebook: Environmental ContaminantsChromatographyAN3037
Application NoteFast, Ultra-Sensitive Analysis of PBDEs in Food using Advanced GC-MS/MS TechnologyMass SpectrometryAN10674
Application NoteRoutine, Regulatory Analysis of Dioxins and Dioxin-Like Compounds in Food and Feed SamplesMass SpectrometryAN10703
Application NoteHigh Efficiency, Quantitative Dioxins Screening at the Level of Interest in Feed and Food using Advanced GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN52266
Application NoteQuantification of 16 EC Priority PAH Components with Magnetic Sector GC-HRMSMass SpectrometryAN30126
Application NoteA Robust Screening Method for Dioxins and Furans by Ion Trap GC-MS/MS in a Variety of MatricesMass SpectrometryAN10082
Application NoteConfirmation of Low Level Dioxins, Furans in Dirty Matrix Samples using High Resolution GC/MSMass SpectrometryAN30112
Application NoteDFS - Analysis of Brominated Flame Retardants with High Resolution GC/MSMass SpectrometryAN30098
Application NoteAnalysis of PCBs in Food and Biological Samples Using GC Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN10262
Application NoteHigh Efficiency, Quantitative Dioxins Screening at the Level of Interest in Feed and Food using Advanced GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN52266
Application NoteDetermination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAHs) and Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in Oysters by GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN51980
Application NoteHighly Selective Detection and Identification of Nitrofurans Metabolites in Honey Using LC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN358
Application NoteAnalysis of Perchlorate in Infant Formula by Ion Chromatography-Electrospray-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (IC-ESI-MS/MS)Mass SpectrometryAN533
Application NotePAHs in Fish Samples by GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryAN51991
Application NoteIC-ICP-MS speciation analysis of As in Organic Brown Rice Syrup (OBRS) using the iCAP Q ICP-MSMass SpectrometryAN43126
Application NoteTotal Elemental Analysis of Food Samples for Routine and Research Laboratories Using the iCAP RQ ICP-MSMass SpectrometryAN43326
Application NoteMeeting the European Commission Performance Criteria for the Use of Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS as a Confirmatory Method for PCDD/Fs in Food and Feed SamplesMass SpectrometryAN10380
Application NoteCadmium Determination in Crab Meat using Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43188
Application NoteIron and Magnesium Determination in Meat using Flame Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43190
Application NoteEnsuring Regulatory Compliance of FoodstuffsTrace Elemental AnalysisAN40858
Application NoteElemental Analysis of Canola OilTrace Elemental AnalysisAN40876
Application NoteIon Chromatography ICP-Q-MS for the Detection of As Species in Apple JuiceTrace Elemental AnalysisPN70001
Application NoteAnalysis of Toxic Elements in Drinking and Bottled Waters using ICP-OESTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43154
Application NoteDetermination of Trace Elements in Rice Products by Flame and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectrometryTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43019
Application NoteIC-ICP-MS Speciation Analysis of As in Apple JuiceTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43099
Application NoteSpeciation analysis of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) in drinking waters using anion exchange chromatography coupled to the iCAP Q ICP-MSTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43098
Application NoteThe Analysis of Trace Elements in Honey by Flame and Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectrometryTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43060
Application NoteAnalysis of Toxic Elements in Drinking and Bottled WatersTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43008
Application NoteAnalysis of Elemental Contaminants in BeveragesTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43009
Application NoteAnalysis of Cadmium in Chocolate by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption SpectrometryTrace Elemental AnalysisAN43034
Application NoteAccurate Analysis of Low Levels of Mercury in Fish by Vapor Generation AATrace Elemental AnalysisAN40992
Application NoteDetermination of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Honey by Accelerated Solvent Extraction and GC-MS/MSChromatographyCAN72132
Application NoteRapid Screening Method for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using an Advanced Solid Core UHPLC Column and System CombinationUHPLCAN21182
PosterDetection and Quantitation of Brominated and Chlorinated Hydrocharbon by DART with Linear Ion Trap and Triple Quadrupole TechnologyMass Spectrometry 
Poster NoteIon Chromatography ICP-Q-MS for the Detection of As Species in Apple JuiceTrace Elemental AnalysisPN70001
Poster NoteQuantification of 15+1 EU Priority PAH in Representative German Smoked Meat Products using a Fast GC/HRMS MethodMass Spectrometry 
Poster NoteDetermination of Perchlorate Levels in Food and Soil Samples Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction and Ion ChromatographySample PreparationPN70743
Poster NoteMercury Speciation Determinations in Asian Dietary SupplementsChromatographyPN70284
Poster NoteDetection and Quantification of Inorganic Arsenic in Fruit Juices by Capillary Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity DetectionChromatographyPN70723
Poster NoteA Strategy for an Unknown Screening Approach on Environmental Samples using HRAM Mass SpectrometryMass SpectrometryPNT578
Poster NoteDetermination of Ultratrace Level Perchlorate in Liquid and Powdered Baby FormulaMass SpectrometryPN85795
Poster NoteA Validated Analytical Method for Environmental Nicotine Exposure by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass SpectrometryMass SpectrometryLPN1994
Poster NoteMercury Speciation Determinations in Asian Dietary SupplementsTrace Elemental AnalysisPN70284
PresentationGCMSMS as a Tool for Analysis of POPs In FoodMass Spectrometry 
Technical NoteRoutine and Robust Quantification of PBDEs in Food by GC-MS/MSMass SpectrometryTN10675
VideoMass Spectrometry 
White PaperPerchlorate Analysis Using Ion Chromatography and Suppressed Conductivity DetectionChromatographyWP70687
WebinarLeading Technologies in Dioxins AnalysisChromatography 
Application BriefSimple, Fast and Sensitive Method to Analyze up to 40 PAHs and PCBs in a Single GC-MS/MS RunMass SpectrometryAB000398
