
PAHs in your food?

Processing contaminants are generated during the processing cycle of a product. They are formed when a chemical reaction takes place between the food and processing (e.g., disinfection, fermentation, heating, canning, or grilling). Examples of these contaminants include acrylamide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), oxyhalides, and haloacetic acids.

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TypeTitleCategoryResource Number
Application NoteDetermination of Trace Concentrations of Chlorite, Bromate, and Chlorate in Bottled Natural Mineral WatersChromatographyAN184
Application NoteDetermination of Sub-ug/L Bromate in Municipal and Natural Mineral Waters Using Preconcentration with Two-Dimensional Ion Chromatography and Suppressed Conductivity DetectionIon ChromatographyAN187
Application NoteDetermination of Hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey and BiomassLC-MSAN270
Application NoteExtraction and Cleanup of Acrylamide in Complex Matrices Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction Followed by Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)LC-MSAN358
Application NoteFast Determination of Acrylamide in Food Samples Using Accelerated Solvent Extraction Followed by Ion Chromatography with UV or MS DetectionIon ChromatographyAN409
Application NoteDetermination of Thiosulfate and Pyrophosphate in Crayfish Wash PowderIon ChromatographyAN1088
Application NoteDetermination of Benzo(a)pyrene in Sausage and Preserved HamHPLCAN1093
Application NoteAnalysis of Acrylamide in Potato Chips by SPE and GC-MSGC-MSAN20734
Application NoteSimple and Cost-Effective Determination of Acrylamide in Food Products and Coffee using Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryGC-MSAN73241
Application NoteSimultaneous Determination of Nitrate and Nitrite in Spinach and Meat by Ion ChromatographyGC-MSAN73450
Application NoteAn improved UHPLC-MS/MS assay for the determination of acrylamide from foodstuffsUHPLCAN22061
Customer Application NoteDetermination of chlorate in agar samples using ion chromatography (IC)HPLCCAN001941
