Single-use bioreactor—designed for performance and scalability

Enable superior performance and automation with Thermo Scientific Single-Use Bioreactor systems (S.U.B.). Developed with industry-proven technology and design features created to improve speed-to-market, scalability and sustainability. Our versatile portfolio of S.U.B.s support robust production across scales and have the flexibility to accommodate a variety of cell lines and processing modalities. Our bioreactor systems have been used in laboratories worldwide for nearly 20 years, and we have a global network of bioprocessing specialists available for support—offering efficient, reliable, and scalable solutions across process development and production operations.

Explore our Single-Use Technology Customer Experience Center

Single-use bioreactor systems for every step of your process

DynaDrive single-use bioreactor

DynaDrive single-use bioreactor ranging in sizes from 5 L to 5,000 L

Seamless scalability and industry-leading performance

HyPerforma single-use bioreactor

HyPerforma single-use bioreactor ranging in sizes from 50 L to 2,000 L

Trusted and reliable results

Glass bioreactors

Glass bioreactors from 1 L to 15 L

For research and process development


Single-use rocker bioreactor

Single-use rocker bioreactor ranging in sizes from 10 L to 50 L

For process development and sensitive cell lines

High-quality bioreactor consumables

Advanced single-use containers are the basis of single-use bioprocessing equipment. Experience reliability and biocompatibility with Thermo Scientific S.U.B. bags and consumables. 

  • Made with robust Thermo Scientific Aegis5-14 film, offering exceptional reliability and backed by decades of experience
  • Experience consistent cell culture performance from small to large volumes with the same film technology across the workflow from bioreactor bags to media bags
  • Minimize the risk of leaks and simplify setup with the Thermo Scientific BioTitan Retention Device, an innovative replacement for traditional cable ties that enhances the reliability and integrity of assemblies with a 360° seal
  • Bioreactor bags with demonstrated biocompatibility and low cytotoxicity support healthy cell growth, while low-leachable and extractable profiles support end-product purity and quality

Bioreactor automation software and controllers

Our bioprocess automation and software optimize data integrity during scale-up and tech transfer allowing you to use historical data in your scaled-up processes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Thermo Scientific bioprocess controllers facilitate easy data transfer, process optimization, and scalability by incorporating innovative features that enhance productivity, quality, and reproducibility.                                                                                                                                                                    

Our bioprocess controllers are highly configurable and able to integrate trusted single-use or autoclavable sensors. Monitor and control product environments with robust data collection that will aid in scale-up from process development through production.

Interested in leasing or financing our equipment? Manage your resources by taking advantage of financing and leasing options from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

Single-use Bioreactors helping you achieve your sustainability goals

Designed with sustainability in mind, the DynaDrive Single-Use Bioreactor generates up to 27% less product and packaging waste compared to a 2,000 L single-use bioreactor traditional workflow.

Learn more about how you can lower your scope three carbon emissions with our biobased film for bioreactor bags and BPCs.                                                                                                                                                  

Application note: Growth and scale-up of HEK293F derivatives in DynaDrive Single-Use Bioreactors                                                                                       

Application note: Scale-up evaluation of the DynaDrive S.U.B.s—Part 1: ExpiCHO-S Cells and CHO-S Cells (cGMP banked)  

Brochure: DynaDrive Single-Use Bioreactor (S.U.B.)—dynamic cell culture performance with right-sizing flexibility                                

Whitepaper: Enabling high-performing perfusion cell culture                                                                                                                                             

The scalable and compact Thermo Scientific MarqMetrix All-In-One Process Raman Solution consists of an analyzer and probes to help monitor, control, and optimize your processes.

Additional bioprocessing resources

As a trusted partner, we are committed to supporting your journey toward innovative biotech solutions.

Accelerate your therapeutic monoclonal antibody development and manufacturing program.                

Learn, evaluate, connect.                                                                                                                                                

Connect with a Bioprocessing representative or request more info.                                                                  

For research use or further manufacturing. Not for diagnostic use or direct administration into humans or animals.